Julius Kassendorf

Most of the people I know who love Moffat are dumb hipsters who never watched the original show and didn't glom on until Matt Smith and Steven Moffat anyways.

We will be! The season following regen is his last too. YAYAYAYAYAY!!!!

I have found the major problem with the movie to be that it is so tonally inconsistent with the majority of the last half of the second season, which is like 10 episodes long. The majority of that season is quirky cutesy homsiness compared with the dark brooding tension that marked the first season and first half of

This. I barely even remember them doing anything particularly douchy. After the obnoxiously terrible couples in the more recent seasons, I wonder if my level for douchebaggery is just much higher lately. They were more people I didn't want to hang out with than people whom I wouldn't have been too terribly sad if they

The Token Gay team (Team YouTube) also set the gays back at least 12 seasons.

Team YouTube made me homophobic.

I'm agreeing with the zero tension crowd.

Patricia = hippie store gone arty

That shirt was AMAZING.

They do get a fashion spread in Nina's magazine.

I still like Eyes Wide Shut. It's flawed, but I think Kubrick kind of knew it would be his last movie. And, his final full line of dialogue, "Fuck."

Note: Sheldon doesn't blow up like that at Amy after the afternoon of non-disclosure. But just after it starts, just after tic-tac-toe.

How you managed to write this while mentioning both Showgirls and Starship Troopers but not Basic Instinct is beyond me.

At minimum, the compass is totally Steampunk.

Layana: "That's MY baby! All you did was stick in your dick in me. I made it, nurtured it, and it's all mine! None of this baby is yours! How can you take credit for this baby? In fact the idea for having sex was mine to!! I feel so betrayed!" *sob*

I didn't feel that bad about Tu. I've had bosses like that.

Oh God, Portland. I think I predicted your whole collection three weeks ago. Something that a mature ex-goth/punk would wear with a steam punk flair. Yawn. Living in Seattle, I've become so jaded to this cliche. Her looks are well made old hat. I mean, I'd love them at a con. Or maybe at Steampunk night at Mercury.

Weird Al's Even Worse and In 3-D are still essentials of his oeuvre to me.

I had the fortune to see Hetherington at SIFF doing a Q&A with Restrepo.

Another technical nit pick: