Julius Kassendorf

I'm in the "Fire Moffat, he's ruining Who" camp. Especially since every time somebody complains about plot holes to him, we're too stupid to get it.

I was wondering this. Especially wondering if Rosé will make a comeback.

I had broken a couple Walkmen before my parents got me the Sports one. I even hit it with a barbell, and broke off the volume knob of it, but was still able to adjust it with a pencil eraser.

Also, the above statement wasn't meant to be a dig.

Also, the above statement wasn't meant to be a dig.

Well, why did the Doctor seem non-plussed last week when he had to translate?

I liked Little Miss Sunshine.

I liked Little Miss Sunshine.

Technical nit picks:

I don't think that was a fat reference so much as a sloppy dress style reference. If you don't wear fitted/fitting clothes, how do you design to fitted/fitting clothes? Case in point: old lady challenge, where she made the most unflattering bag for that poor woman.

If Vogue is haute couture, Marie Claire is ready-to-wear off the H&M racks.

Oh, if you missed the conversation with the judges, you missed everything that was brilliant.  Our Teutonic Goddess is all about Patricia.  And, Queen Nina is all against Patricia.  They both have good reasons, and its all about view.

Oh, you missed by favorite part of the Richard and Stanley show.  And, by favorite, I mean most hated.

It's not that insightful.  John Legend thinks that because all his music is "beautiful."  But, I'm sure he'd agree that things like Atari Teenage Riot aren't beautiful.  At least, conventionally beautiful.  Yet, there's room for their sound as well.

I thought it looked like a shower curtain.  I hated Michelle's steampunk cosplay of the "I just came out of the shower and now I have to shoot somebody" scenario.

#1 I'm So Excited

At the time I felt that way.  Looking at the soundtrack now, I am like…that looks like a damned fine group of artists.

@TaterTat:disqus I dunno.  Again, I keep thinking that they edited around any and all explanations. I imagine that she explained herself once, he didn't get it, and then she just said "here's my drawing; do something modern" after that.  Or, she may not have even bothered to explain that, since she earlier said

I think herein lies the main reason I think the movie almost improved on the book.  The book kind of hints at the edges about everybody else's reactions to the boorish, jerk-off behavior of the characters, but, because the book is first person, you're going to sympathize with the characters rather than the reactions.

I think it was in her head all along.  She was already in a forced marriage, and divorced (earlier back stories), either she or Richard made a statement on the runway that the colors and design of the fabrics were specifically chosen to make it look like it was tribal, but also chosen because the colors could