Julius Kassendorf

I'm not interested in seeing more of Portland.  If only because every single thing of hers has echoes of everything I've ever seen on anybody in Seattle and Portland.  She's really got the Portland cliches down.

I'm highly amused at this because I was busy writing exactly this, only from my perspective, down below as you were writing this up here.

Funny.  This was the outfit that redeemed Patricia for me, and her looks for the past three weeks were Patricia lite, if not Patricia boring.  I think the time restraints keep Patricia from going full on artiste.

I loved Patricia's.  It was SOOOO pissed off.  It's almost like she took all her rage and aimed it at the model.  It reminded me of Abu Ghraib prisoners getting married, or something.  It was angry.  It was also the most modern artsy of the three art looks.

I've told them a hundred times: put New Order first, and Puppet Show last!

@avclub-6956968b560a7eb499ca03a8b3b43189:disqus  Where am I going to? Do I know?

"Dad, can you really screw someone to death?"

Which is the only reason I watched it…god I love a shitty writer and director.


I agreed with judges idea that the print was Old Lady.  It didn't have to be a very loud print, but that print was kind of dowdy and almost like a carpet of a Las Vegas hotel, or an old person's couch.  And that's mainly because of the dull orange base.

Car Wash was brilliant.  It's not good, but its damned funny for what it was.

I'll just leave this here for you Samurai Cop lovers.

I remember the controversy when Santino didn't get sent home for his Lederhosen bikini.  This felt like the inverse of that.  Sam's ideas was a collection of ideas that went very wrong, and she went home based on this dress alone.

Oh, it's total artificial 80s shite. But it's good artificial 80s shite. And, Madonna acts competently. Compare that to, say, Swept Away, Body of Evidence, The Next Best Thing, Shanghai Surprise, or Who's That Girl? Any of those make DSS look like a masterpiece.

Only Chicago is home, and Italy is New York/Hollywood. And, with more eye boggling terribleness. Seriously, it's required viewing. Saying its the black Valley of the Dolls understates Mahogany's crazy over-the-top craziness completely.

And James Bond singing Love Will Keep Us Together. <3

I'm sorry, I HATED Samantha's dress. I love Samantha, and really want Richard to go home, but Samantha's dress was like a cross between figure skater, hoochy Lollipop Chainsaw, and medical bandages. The material was wrong, the colors were wrong, the cut was wrong, the skirt height was wrong. It was a BAD dress.

In defense of A Talking Cat?!?, the movie was probably made in 3 days. I think that DeCoteau works on the same schedule as Jim Wynorski, as detailed in Popatopolis. It's hard to stop a train of shittiness that runs its course in 1/52nd the time for a normal train. But, unlike 1313: UFO Invasion, which incidentally

I almost feel that one would be a cop-out.

The first time I saw Stripes, when they graduated, I was like "That was a great, fun, breezy hilarious film."  Then I was like…"Oh, it continues?! Well now…Oh…This is terrible."