
TBH, I didn't get too many details. Tourists and the people that live on the island keep them well fed, but I don't think they get much in the way of veterinary care.

I was actually there a little over a month ago and that doesn't surprise me at all. Quite a few of the cats we saw had some clear health problems.

Isn't that just a symptom of the broader problem of whitewashing in Hollywood that people just don't know that many Japanese actresses? It's kind of hard to become familiar with more than a handful of Asian actresses when roles that should go to them instead go to Emma Stone and Scarlett Johansson.

I'm more excited at the possibility of Mojo just because it seems like such a batshit crazy idea and I want to see where the show could go with it.

As we're familiar with him the comics he is, but I wouldn't count him out based on that. He seems like a good character to re-imagine for something like this precisely because he is so goofy in the comics. If it doesn't work, is anyone going to be upset that they screwed up Mojo? And because of how weird the

Their wireless headphones are still just bluetooth headphones, so they aren't doing anything *that* special. All they've really done is make them easier to pair with iOS devices.

The rumor that Apple would be removing the jack has been going around long enough that I wouldn't be surprised if it influenced Motorola's decision to remove the jack too.

The quality isn't quite as good as a properly recorded live album would be, but there are quite a few recordings of full shows from around that time freely available here: https://archive.org/details…

Yeah, they're pretty clearly trying to imply it is Silk Road (or Silk Road 2.0) without directly saying so. Ray's bitcoin problems were likely inspired by the hack that drained Silk Road 2.0's accounts a couple years ago too: http://www.theverge.com/201…

Except I'm terrible with Pharah and Mercy, so if I play as either one I'm actually putting the team at more of a disadvantage.

Don't forget the Clegane Bowl!

Whoa, I remember the game's announcement, but had no idea they had ever released any footage of it. Based on that video, it looks like we didn't miss out on much.

I'm not sure if this is what you were getting at, but that sounds a lot like a feature Roku's had for a few years now: https://blog.roku.com/blog/…

Next up: True Detective season 3

You really think Fox would run a show with Captain Britain as a lead?

Yeah, probably best to never revisit this one. I remember thinking it was terrible when I first saw it and that's coming from 10-year-old me at peak X-men fandom, There's no way it's even remotely watchable today.

I'm pretty sure Gene Simmons absolutely would stoop this low (and lower!) and the only reason he hasn't is because the thought hadn't occurred to him yet.

Speaking of Farscape, has there been any word if we'll get TV Club Classic coverage of Season 4? I was really hoping to see Alasdair finish it up this year.

Let's be honest, it felt a *little* silly. Eva Green is good enough to make it work, but seeing the doll talking for that long robbed it of a lot of the creep factor. Dalton and Harnett as Lucifer were far more effective.