Business 101: rather than make your company's experience better for your customers, stomp your feet and throw a tantrum like a whiny baby.
Business 101: rather than make your company's experience better for your customers, stomp your feet and throw a tantrum like a whiny baby.
I only like houses with pancakes or waffles in them.
He will be credited as "Judge Freaking Reihnold"
Just requested from the library, thanks for the review.
Good, knock it off.
The Great Wall would be a good Wiki Wormhole subject. I didn't know it was built for protection against zombies for example.
It doesn't appear to be available on Amazon. How am I going to watch it?
It means Rob Schneider has been in the news more in the last two days than he has in the last twenty years.
This is all just a conspiracy by Merck and the Obama administration to prevent the spread of infectious diseases.
What a fantastic photo.
No, Air Bourne should have a basketball-playing spy dog.
They should change it up a little, Renner and Damon could be brothers. How about a black woman as Jason Bourne?
Don't feel bad, Sean O'Neal is a professional at making fun of things.
That brings up a good point, why does Star Wars use roman numerals? I don't associate the Romans with outer space. I associate them with Super Bowls.
Rambo: Medicare Part D
I didn't know they served chicken nuggets at this restaurant.
Me too. I just assume I would be able to beat up four guys at once until proven otherwise.
Me too but that might bring about some litigation.
I'm laughing because that was in the form of a joke.
Yeah I enjoyed it. Tom Cruise movies are usually at least watchable. and it has Rosamund Pike, I believe.