Eddie Lee Ivery

Ryan Reynolds is already lobbying to play him.

It would have been better if two more kids burst into the room during this interview.

We're not going to tell you how to feel anymore. By now you should know to feel bad about everything.

I thought it was because the wife seemed so panicked, people assumed he was abusive. Did you see the way she burst into the room like a silent film comedian?

They should stick to making maple syrup and sasquatch traps.

Canadians! We're building a wall on the wrong border.

That's cool! I never heard that before.

It turns out there was no monster at all, it's a metaphor for one couple's destructive relationship.

Based on the poster I guess the three remaining humans had to go on an interstellar voyage to get away from all the godzillas on earth. Little did they know there were some godzilla eggs stowed away on their spaceship.

Those are the kind that drop those little helicopters all over the sidewalk.

She's getting a sitcom with Flo from Progressive and Jan from Toyota.

I love that Mark Wahlberg photo so much.

I agree with Eric that Ashley Tisdale is really funny, she's great on Phineas and Ferb.

Oh, I get it, believe me. You're coming through loud and clear, no question. *nods knowingly*

She could have rebroadcast Major League Baseball without express written consent.

This all-tin-can diet made me lose 20 pounds!

You can't see his wallet in that picture.

Just be careful with anything that leaves hot sauce all over your hands.

Imagine how slow he'd be if he ever accidentally ate a piece of cheese.

Say it RIGHT