"Pilot Viruet"
"Pilot Viruet"
and a few million music fans
Mr. Scheck, tell Mom to pass the syrup.
I think there's a poetry term for that, where the rhyme is in the middle of the line instead of the end.
Semitruck full of cash being dumped on your house.
Well she certainly failed at ruining his life. I mean, do they give a Nobel Prize for "Attempted Chemistry", honestly.
Planet of the Apes: the Planet
Planes: Fire and Rescue was pretty unwatchable, but I bet they do a bunch more direct to DVDs of various vehicle types. My kids liked that part where they show the fire and rescue machines putting out fires. They'll probably do Planes: Building a Freeway, Planes: Erecting a Skyscraper, Planes: Clearing Snow From the…
The British and vaginas are like Eskimos and snow.
Thus they are re-tooling it into a British drawing-room drama.
"'ello, 'ello, 'ello, wot's all this, then?" The Musical
Seems kind of extreme. Couldn't you just wish he would catch a nasty cold or something?
You seem like a rational well-adjusted adult *backs away slowly*
They left out the part of the video where they leave it out in the driveway and their stepdad backs over it.
Has the Wendy's girl been cast yet?
Happy Birthday Sean. I hope this one is just as memorable as the previous 64.
I think "Unhappily Ever After" did it first. Starring Nicki Cox
Are AV Club commenters getting dumber, or just louder?
I like the ones where Steve Gutenberg is Santa Claus.
I don't think Hodor should have been a big fat guy. He was just strong.