Eddie Lee Ivery

Spike TV's money spends just as well as the Weinstein's. Plus Ben gets all the Red Bull and Axe Body Spray he wants on set.

I think that's because their target audience is actually pre-teens and younger, to whom teenagers are aspirational.

Whoever happens to be in earshot.

It seems like all those things listed in the article would make the show MORE popular.

No it wasn't.

How does he keep up with the news like that?

Rest assured, Grand View University is very close to curing AIDS and reversing global warming.

Watch out cigarette, he's irish!

There are many of these guys, but usually they are elderly retired men with too much time on their hands, not university professors. The St Paul newspaper has a "bulletin board" section and one guy sends in all the instances of jokes that were repeated on more than one late night show. So he watches ALL the shows and

How does Katie Rife know exactly how I spent my adolescence?

Who's going to write "Bonnie Crane: Girl Attorney", "Punkin & Dunkin, the Twinkle Twins", and "Lil' Kneesocks"

Here's $75 million. Start writing.

Do you have a better idea for a movie? This is hard.

I'm holding out for the Apple Dumpling Gang remake.

I think he has retired, he just doesn't want to come right out and say it.

I know you're upset right now so I'm going to pretend you didn't say that.

Also i don't think Mel said that as part of a stand-up routine

No, if I understand him correctly, you are being hypocritical because you are not using ENOUGH ethnic slurs.

Maybe he's from upstate New York.

Ernie is RIGHT THERE, too. How rude.