I'm still waiting for the Antoine Bugleboy biopic.
I'm still waiting for the Antoine Bugleboy biopic.
I hate americanos, they're scumo! Scum!
"man’s natural fight-or-flight instinct means he’s not just gonna wander into a dark room marked “Bears.”"
That's gold, Jerry.
what an awesome poster.
Now who's the dean.
Do "stand your ground" laws apply to threatening t-shirts and posters?
Mayo does not suck.
This reminds me of the greatest AV Club comment of all time. It was on the "Alien vs. Predator" review and someone said the title was inaccurate, and it should really be "Two Different Types of Aliens vs. Each Other".
They're going to miss out on taking my money. If they don't hurry up my kid will be obsessed with something else.
It's great. My favorite is the "Everything's Alright" scene.
They changed it to James Bont but then were sued by The Simpsons.
What movies are the Bush twins writing?
What's he supposed to do, wait in line like he doesn't make $20 mil/year?
According to Maine's governor, Maine justice involves eliminating imaginary welfare fraud.
It was the sound of pure disapproval.
Obviously that means John Roberts makes $100 billion a year.
But their post game buffet costs will skyrocket.
Vikings don't rap.
There's a certain type of male that really LOVES Mark Wahlberg. I noticed this on Grantland when there was a slightly snarky post about him or maybe the Entourage movie and people were very angry in the comments.
It means she won't get one single apricot.