Eddie Lee Ivery

My favorite use of him was "Do you have a receipt, quote unquote sir?"

Your opinion is incorrect.

Deep sea trench

Good job, you made his overalls fall down.

I wonder who will play Burgermeister Meisterburger

Ty Burrell is the highlight of the show every week for me.

My favorite part of this episode is Homer trying and failing to give Lisa the silent treatment at the breakfast table.
"Lisa, tell your mother to get off my case."

So, you tried to kill me over a little new-age management.

that's nice but who are the Chefs?
great googily-moogily

Larry King has.

The nation's seltzer manufacturers will deeply mourn him.

As a little-known, struggling author, he is trying to raise awareness of his work.

not detailed enough, though

I think if we've learned nothing else (and we haven't) it's that it's best to separate our enjoyment of people's art from our enjoyment of them as people.

or maybe spats

Can they Rasta-fy him by 10%?

How to Train Your Dragon is a good movie.

She does look kind of pointy.

Who is the actress standing next to Liam Neeson in that screenshot?

It's about werewolves.