Eddie Lee Ivery

I have an idea no one has thought of: New Feature: I Read This on Purpose.

So the cops knew internal affairs were setting them up?

You forgot one Far Side caveman one - "We should write that spot down."

the callback was Moe had a copy of Little Women in the bar that he hid when Maya was coming over.

thanks for posting that Stevie Wonder Sesame Street link mbs, that was great.

That's a good call, Frito. I think he's good looking enough that he could be a charmer (see Phel's comment) and crazy looking enough to be a serial killer. Maybe you should be a casting director.

Thanks Jorge.

What did you do after the restaurant kicked you out?
We went straight home.
Mrs. Simpson, may I remind you that you are under oath?
We drove around until 3am looking for another all you can eat seafood restaurant.
And then?
We went fishing! *weeps*
Ladies and gentlemen of the jury, do these sound like the actions of a man

You can't "own" property, man.

So we're not going to the pub, then?

Well, well, a lecture about not messing with history from Mr. I'm-My-Own-Grandpa.

Seth Myers was on Bill Simmons' podcast recently and he was talking about the Macgruber Pepsi ad during the Super Bowl. Simmons asked him if that sort of thing made him uncomfortable, and Myers' point was that all this product placement is the price we pay for having Tivo. Advertisers need to get to us somehow, now

I know I shouldn't eat thee…

That was the "Mountain of Madness" episode. I think the contest winner was played by Dave Thomas, he was on the commentary earlier in the disc because he played Rex Banner in the Prohibition episode.

So You've Decided to Steal Cable

That made me laugh.
The thing that irritates me about Cousin Sal is he's constantly talking about what a big Dallas Cowboys fan he is in his thick East Coast accent. Your rooting interest should have some correlation to where you grew up, instead of just picking a team to root for because you think they win a lot or

Meatballs, chicken wings, chips, dip, shrimp cocktail, alka-seltzer.

You expect him to sound like Steve Perry and know all the words to obscure songs like "Don't Stop Believin?'"

That guy sure sounds like him, though. It's weird to see Steve Perry's voice coming out of the new guy.

Al Roker
I hope Amelie is watching this - it's basically the Al Roker show. We could a see a solid week's worth of Haters from it.