Elijah Baley

Keeping middle management as the bad guy is a classic command structure strategy. Revere the captain, despise the lieutenant.

Name one other game ported to every single console ever.

Tetris and The Ballad of Bilbo Baggins
My cause with Tetris is not that it is a great game but that it is simply the greatest of all time. People, for whatever reason, tend to disagree. People are idiots.

The Best Book I Read in 2009
… was "A Canticle for Leibowitz." It came out in 1960.

That said, there's the unrelenting reality that his commentary here is that of a hack, calculated without insight, like a man having memorized lines poorly and therefore reading from a cue card, though even worse at that.

Again —- the Internet. Par for the course.

Incidentally, that he so perfectly encapsulated Dragon Age: Origins makes we wonder about just how great Schafer's latest is, as well as Left 4 Dead's sequel. In a nutshell, respectively: sandbox is ruining the medium, and he loves Tim Schafer like a retarded teenager loves Twilight; more of the same, which is a good

Yahtzee Nailed Dragon Age: Origins
It isn't mature so much as petulant, it isn't so much an original world so much as the best realized standard high fantasy setting, and it isn't so much fun as it is a hell of a lot of fun.

Hack was thoughtless ad hominem, based entirely on his comments. It's the Internet —- what'd ya expect?

Fortunately, Left for Dead 2 is also on the PC, I believe. I still don't want to buy a console.

The trouble with Ponyo isn't that it isn't great but that it's nowhere near as good as other films from the same studio or director.

I'm not sorry or conciliatory when I reiterate that Inglourious Basterds is Quentin Tarantino doing nothing new. Maybe a smattering of restraint, I'll give him that, but the rest of it was him riffing on his old, familiar themes.

The smarter the people are, the greater the temptation to lord it over everyone else.

I'm More than a Little Sick
… of the lengthy diatribes against religion in popular entertainment. I'm a little relieved when this hack ruins his own argument by confusing ideology with religion toward the end of his statement, even as he recognizes that there's a very real distinction.

Karmic RIAA backlash?

I read online some comment about this being a remake, and it most certainly is not. It is another adaptation, even if it is also an update. UGH.

Ah! I'm three hours into Dragon Age, The Saboteur and Mass Effect, and now I see this.

… and when people say "Best Starfleet Captain" they say Picard. What're you gonna do about it?

He forgot Up which, considering his relative ranking, at least deserves the No. 5 spot, if not higher.

(Not to double-post, but this thread seems more relevant.)