Elijah Baley

Look at Drama. It's not much better. If anything, it's worse. Let's break it down:

If by Brooklyn you mean Queens.

Preparation Heche, by the transitive property, you seem to think Cmdr X meant to say "They were pretty dead on on the sex scenes."

As I remember, more than half of the best picture nominees are recognizable by name to the most casual cinephile 78 years later. That's somethin'.

Lies! The 1930's were great for entertainment. Just look at the Oscar nominations in 1939.

Up yours, littledouchebagalex. Glenn MIller is great.

Systems of Measurement
one orgy of evidence
= 3 hearty screws of evidence
= 2 Scheizer-Cartmans of evidence
= .5 Hiltons of evidence

Personally, I liked the ballad-not-ballad better. Unless that's the same song. Honestly, I have Rolling Stone magazine sensibility: If it isn't rock or soul released before 1971, I have no idea what the hell I'm hearing.

I just know there'll be dwarf triplets named Rebob, Expul and Parada somewhere in that film.

Really, Dad? Just this once could you stop telling your war stories? Just once? Save it for the reception or something, OK?

Doesn't the speed that Santa must travel across the Western world imply that he'd burn up due to friction against the atmosphere? I thought we had already settled that.

Comedy Isn't Music
I made the mistake of saying that to an uppity double-major once. Never again —- that only exposes my fragile little paradigm to 12-tone cacophony, throat singing and clog dancing on the beach, and I don't know how much more I could take.

The Golden Age of anything refers more to the first era a medium hit its stride than as a quality judgement. Comics were around for years before the Golden Age hit with the arrival of Superman, and television was around for a solid decade before its Golden Age struck.