The Tarkin Doctrine is a poor method of movie rumor dispensation.
The Tarkin Doctrine is a poor method of movie rumor dispensation.
Yo soy el uno quien gropeo.
I think I listened to that song 5 times in a row. I had to stifle laughter because it would've been impossible to explain it to my coworkers. Stuart is quickly becoming my favorite OP.
@avclub-65b8e141bbf2ecf180a01929890c734e:disqus How about a cameo in Die Hard 6?
If With a Vengeance hadn't been re-written to be a Die Hard sequel and starred another actor it would be remembered as one of the best actioners of the late '90s. As it stands, it's a disappointing sequel to a classic.
Let's not forget Bruce's recent direct-to-video jobbing in 50 Cent movies. Those represent more or a naked cash grab than the expected big-ticket sequels.
Deadfall, directed by his brother, Christopher Coppola, is the all-time craziest Cage performance. He's like a coked-up Tony Clifton doing an Elvis voice with Mick Jagger stage moves.
A great TV show an one of the all-time best NES games. Great music, fluid animation, tight controls and high replayability.
Spot-on. It was all downhill after the pilot. The show has been coasting on Pilot Episode fumes the whole time.
I had a mutiny on my FB page over a similar post. The people's uncritical love of this show is baffling and boundless. This season has moved it from a hate-watch to a watch for me, but Jesus, it ain't Breaking Bad.
"It's content to aim low." That is the perfect summation of my problems with this show. The record-breaking ratings have not encouraged the network to do anything differently.
Random Woodbury Woman #1 is named Karen.
I am a regular listener and even I turn this podcast off occasionally. What baffles me is their lack of knowledge of an industry that they are all professionals in. Paul once apologized that Batman and Robin was "hard to find" because he bought a DVD for the episode. A blockbuster Batman movie that played on every…
I read about this moment in Easy Riders, Raging Bulls.
"Is that the one withe the donkey and the chambermaid?"
No. Nope. No way. Well… maybe? Nah.
Much like the Golden Turkey Awards before them, the Razzies always struck me as picking on the slow kids in the class. In no way are these daring satirists blazing new trails by suggesting that Catwoman, Battlefield Earth, and Glitter are shitty movies. Undoubtedly Adam Sandler richly deserves to be recognized for him…
Thank you for doing this! I'm subjecting my early 20s interns to the entire discographies of Diamond Head, Saxon, and the pre-Bruce Dickinson Iron Maiden. Score!
Six seasons and a movie!
Well, at least three seasons and a unceremonious cancellation.