Animal Cracker

My 70-year-old aunt was a librarian in San Francisco and apparently they gave up on kicking them out. Their approach was more to keep those guys in the back corner where their screens weren't visible. Syringes in the bathroom were fine. The pitbulls - that was another story.

Oh totally, that's why I put it in quotes (I was borrowing from his terminology). But yeah, I probably could have worded that better.

Even if that were considered consent, it's really fucked up to view other human beings as toys that you can just grab and do whatever you want with (sorry, bad grammar).

Hahaha. ok weirdo.

I'm just a lurker but I'm pretty sure that MLA "belongs" here way more than you do.

I agree that we should never have expected anything from him, but as a poster above said, it's the reaction from reddit and his followers that's obnoxious, expecially with regards to the J Law comment. Despite the fact that sexism/consent has been a huge topic over the past week, the internet mob is all like "blaaaa I

I got into an argument with my friend about this. We were talking about what kinds of people we hate the most in this world, and she chose dumb people while I chose mean people. I mean, I get that dumb people can be annoying (and can be dangerous in large groups), but at least they're somewhat innocent. She is mildly

It's funny how a lot of people who are famous take on similar traits to those with social anxiety, self-monitoring and sometimes appearing cold and standoffish as a result of that excessive caution.

Ok, I know that there is no point in engaging with you, but you're talking about woman who has a history of openly campaigning against FGM, which makes your statement even funnier.

"Cuck" is fun to throw around ironically, because as far as insults go, it's so angry/stupid/oddly specific, and therefore perfectly representative of the group from which it originated.

Yeah, as someone who took German in high school, that's all i can think of when I hear that name.

There are times when I find what she says to be interesting (like sexual personae), but then she ruins it by saying stuff like victims of domestic violence are just really into BDSM. She also really seems to hate blondes.

Considering all KateH said was "that was brilliant" before you jumped on her, I'd say she's not the one with the chip on her shoulder…

I have wavy hair that I just cut short into sort of a bob, and I just realized that Rachel Bloom's hair might have been the inspiration in my subconscious. I've recently gotten really into short, wavy marilyn monroe hair and her character is one of the few that has that.

That's my family's go-to Christmas movie. It ain't Christmas without Pee Wee yelling hysterically in the background!

I think this article didn't use the best examples. Here is one: http://foboxs.com/_tmpp/13/…. Long glossy waves with a middle part, and the front fringe kind of making a vaguely keyhole-like shape around the face. It's actually very nice looking, but like any style, it gets weird when you see it all over the place

I was in 4th grade, but there was this cool 5th grade girl who was a tomboy and wore them every day and I really wanted to be like her. But in middle school, it was all about uncomfortable low-rise jeans that show off your love handles and age-inappropriate thong. Good god, the early 2000's were awful.

"They wear pants so low that their underwear is showing!" my grandpa, for 2 decades.

What, so she can grow back that looooong waaaaaves hairstyle where your eyes are half covered that everyone in hollywood seems to have? I'm sorry, once you see the prevalence of it you can't stop and it's making me irrationally mad.