Animal Cracker

The great thing about this movie is that it encouraged me and others to learn more about all of this stuff works. This American Life did a couple of really good shows (I think it was "the giant pool of money" episodes) on this topic in 2008-2009. There are also some explanations on Khan Academy (of course).

I don't really understand why people thought Jeff and Annie had more chemistry. I think there was more sexual energy behind Jeff and Britta, and their fighting made it even more noticeable.

Our barbies always had an absurd amount of clothes, while ken eventually lost his because no one really cared, so there was always a naked ken among the 16 or so fully-clothed barbies and I'm fairly convinced that I got some sexual enjoyment out of it as a 7-year-old.

Do you know of any good ones? I'm interested…

Thank you for the reassurance. think my rational brain understood that, but my irrational brain wanted so badly to impress him that it just ended up being a stressful experience. Oh well.

Honestly, this is what gets to me too. I have some friends who get weirdly competitive about their sex lives and libidos, and it's like we've been taught that if we don't want sex all the time, we are frigid and our partners will leave us.

This is interesting because I've been having the same thoughts. I masturbate all the time and have some fetishes, but I'm starting to think that I might just be asexual because I don't really feel inclined to have sex with people. I only recently lost my virginity (I am 26) to this guy I kind of worshipped who treated

I figured that was done deliberately. Even the husband is blonde.

That's something that has been bothering me a lot recently with certain groups (especially libertarians and MRA types, the ones you find on reddit). There's this weird American obsession with "fairness", which often gets confused with equality.

I think they're both beautiful in their own right, but almost nothing about them looks the same to me.

His real mom was actually Sonia Darrin, who was Geiger's feisty assistant in the Big Sleep. Oddly, she was really beautiful.

Even in 3rd grade, I found the mom and dad kind of creepy and overly sensual.

Also, her dad told her that her main role should be that of a house cat - very important, but having no responsibility. That's a horrible thing to tell your kid, not to mention most mid-century housewives valued hard work.

The blonde one the left looks Middle Eastern too. A lot of lady celebrities in that part of the world dye their hair blonde.

I was Janet Snakehole last year.

How about Limozeen's song from "Feed the Childrens":

I stopped reading that midway because it was nothing anyone hasn't heard before. Equally bad was the crying baby elephant video. Why the fuck would I want to read that?

Sounds like someone has been to the Patio.

There's also Fred's. Even though that's technically Mountain View. My friends and I are regulars at their karaoke night.