Animal Cracker

God, that last one was funny and infuriating.

I like saying stuff like that in casual conversations with my friends at a bar.

I had a dream that I had a waffle that secretly controlled the moon.

Sounds a bit like my dad. There's a lot of suppressed intelligence and emotion there. I try really hard to be kind to him because I know my grandma did a number on him, and he was still a good daddy.

You're really concerned about this, aren't you?

Oh, that is classic Luke the Spook!

Looks like we all got Shagered!


I think it's the same thing as a recorder. That's what we had to play in 4th grade (in '99 — i'll get off your lawn as soon as i'm done explaining this to you through the window) if we wanted to eventually play a band instrument.

You could tell them that it's pronounced yahn-son, but then they'll probably just think you're a dirty socialist whose blood, in Cornelius Hawthorne's words "is tainted by generations of race mixing with Laplanders"!

Oh, I made it into that nazi thing!

I'm not sure if it's just for superficial reasons (wildcard sister), but Marie reminds me a lot of Charmaine from United States of Tara. Both are great.

It's a white bread, "non-threatening" name (thus ripe for irony) that hasn't been as heavily caricatured as Smith or Jones and isn't "white trash" or "black-sounding" like Jackson or Johnson. I'm a Johnson and I've thought about this extensively.

One of my former classmates is weirdly into Lady Gaga. She posts pictures of stuff like the flashy shoes that she bought to be "one step closer to her" and she has a picture of a lady gaga doll she made….so naturally, I'm obsessed with this person.


I've gotten Hannah Murray and Morgan Saylor (Brody's daughter in Homeland)

Kitty Pryde?

Tell me when I'm joking,
Tell me when I'm smoking

Tell OJ not to do it?

It's definitely not a rich thing. The only Mackenzies/McKenzies I have witnessed were babies of lower middle class parents and people on TLC.