Animal Cracker

I think you're projecting just a little bit. Mainstream porn is arguably just as "fake", even though there is actual penetration involved. Her sex scenes may be simulated, but they're done with the intention of representing what she thinks is reality.

These are post-goatse times.

Not to mention it was vaguely insulting to her character. She definitely could have found someone better by now (not just another Rich-like crush), and that would have created a more interesting dynamic with the group.

@avclub-a3116fcb0ff78581d441a3de68287e73:disqus Eh, I'm fine with "cunt" as long as it's used extremely liberally or not at all. It's sort of a U-shaped curve.But seriously, let's not look at each other's comments.

Sorry, what I meant was "this is why people don't like him," not "these are the three topics he focused on last night."

We all know they were jokes (and I am a woman too, whoop-de-doo). The flack is due in part to what we already know about him. Seth's humor can pretty much be boiled down to these points, without much development:

I like her and she's done well for herself, but boy oh boy does she look ripped in that picture.

If, in a later episode, there is a subtle joke about Britta and Troy having actually had sex in the sex room, then that will make up for it.

Hey, some of us are blessed with big round heads. I'm down.

I think the love is fed by some sort of pseudo-nostalgia.

I had a perky neighbor in my dorm who for some reason chose to blast that song (as well as Gin and Juice by the Gourds) in the mornings when I would be studying last minute for physics midterms. I hated her so much it was almost arousing.

Oh god…I forgot because I was watching Color of Night.


Maybe she's going flashier now that she's a commercial actress, further alienating Don.

I had one where this zombie (or something) grabbed his lower lip and slowly peeled his face off. This was 1994-ish.


Some people just shouldn't work with kids. My first grade teacher was notorious for making kids anxious (I wet my pants once, and my classmates would either do the same or throw up - to this day everyone remembers who threw up on whom). One time she told my mom that something was wrong with me because when she

@avclub-fe667cc638187e2a2ed9661c0b94f457:disqus "I don't live near you."

@avclub-fe667cc638187e2a2ed9661c0b94f457:disqus "I don't live near you."

When I had friends over to watch a movie, my mom would usually steer clear of the family room because she sort of understood that as teenagers, we were going to watch something obnoxious or inappropriate. My Dad was less aware of this, and while I was watching American History X with this friend I thought I was going