Animal Cracker

When you think about it, there is nothing more American than being Israeli.

They're like the grown up version of those people who tricked their grandparents into watching 2 girls 1 cup and then posted their reactions for the lolz.

I had the opposite impression, judging from the part where Tyler goes off the record. It kind of reminded me of another part where someone didn't give a yes or no answer (to a personal question), and the answer was definitely a yes.

After a bad relationship, I've been really getting into the "people saying nice things to each other" thing so I agree.

Redpillers are some of the most paranoid people on the planet. Never have I ever seen a group of people so afraid of female sexual agency. These guys will never be happy, and as long as they punish others for their insecurities, they don't deserve to be.

I dunno, he seems more like the "enlightened" type who wouldn't date anyone over the age of 25.

Some Like it Hot makes me so goddamn happy.

It's interesting to see how the parties/their precursors have switched their platforms and bases over time, especially since we seem to be witnessing another major turning point. Is the Republican party even going to exist after this term?

I've long stopped paying attention to Coulter, but have read some of Milo's writing and even without taking into account the vitriol and psychotic hatred of women and minorities, it's ridiculously bad. It always involves the flimsiest use of "reasoning" in order to come to a predetermined conclusion (which I bet you

Oy, what an asshole. I never thought I would say this, but I think I overestimated Kid Rock.

I kind of get the vibe that he's mocking them. I mean, he's always been aware of his persona and probably knows that anyone who takes his music seriously is kind of an idiot. But maybe that's just wishful thinking.

Very good point.

Sorry, I'm being a brat.

But is he really a science lover or is he more of an I Fucking Love Science lover?

Something about continuing to hold rallies after the election seems really sinister. That's some dictator shit.

That's what I honestly believed while reading that headline. Now I really feel like she's missing a comedic opportunity.

As a "conventionally attractive" blonde woman with a round-ass face I legitimately worry that people subconsciously assume I'm a conservative cookie-cutter type. I blame my Swedish dad.

I get it, no worries. I agree that it does feel like we are living in a weird time where a traditional level of respect (for politicians in particular) has to get thrown out the door. Our world seems to be unraveling. Fuuuuuuck.

I'm a big ole "libtard" feminist, and this has always kind of bothered me about certain commentary coming from our camp. There's this mentality that if you don't like someone, it's a free pass to make sexist comments about them (when you could really just criticize them for being what they are - racist pieces of

Wait a minute, isn't her dad Jewish? Shouldn't she be a little more worried? Then again, she doesn't strike me as someone who thinks a whole lot about things.