Animal Cracker

What do you do when you're at an orgy but not participating? Give them encouraging pats on their asses?

Do teenage girls actually watch her movies? I thought it was more of a little kid/tween thing, like how no seventeen-year-olds actually read seventeen magazine.

If you imagine Don persuading you to snowball with him in his silly devil voice, it's much more scarring.

Crotchety dick has a better ring to it.

Charlie would have been better if Wonka were a total slut.

The Magic Screen and I are cousins.

Agreed. I always thought of it more as an "intolerability" index.

you mean it would be. 
or if you're really aggressive, it would be.

Does anyone else think Roger's feelings about Mona had something to do with his encounter with Megan's mom?

missed the point, Johnny.

Oh my lord, I just realized that there is a Jack Black and a Jack White, which is not really that interesting, but still kind of cool. They should do something together.

Jack White looks like he's supposed to be fat but he's not. That's what's weird about him.

Whatever happened to Boypussy? He'd be perfect for him.

It's not Amelie.

If they mean the WAY in which kids are being taught to be sexual is negative, then I would agree. There should be room for kids to experiment, but there's a problem when 1) only a certain type of sexuality/body is the norm and 2) you go along with it because you're supposed to. But that's my interpretation and I'm

No, that would be considered strange because 60 was 80 back then. More like 14 and 30.

I also like how they handled the incident where leslie got drunk and showed up at Officer Dave's house. On a typical sitcom, Dave would have never forgiven her.

I think the focus was more centered on the disastrous interview. We've already seen the group showcase their drunk side in The Fight; I didn't get the feeling that we were supposed to laugh at their inebriated behavior as much in this episode.


You are my favorite humblebragger. More stripper-related anecdotes next time, though.