Animal Cracker

and they're always filled with people shouting in cantonese.

Is anyone else weirdly turned on by that picture of Donna at the top? Uh, because I'm definitely not…confus..

and Crooning Andy.

It should have been Daybreak by Michael Haggins.

My lesbian friends fucking love Metric.

I've heard horrible things about attempted drug suicides too. It's all bad, really. People in my hometown usually do it via train, and it's so horrible to think of the poor conductor and those who have to witness it, let alone clean it up.

The sounds and the voices are often what makes this stuff so horrifying. I can't imagine making someone watch death/suicide videos. Lemon Party brings back some great memories, though.

I think it's because of her name.

When accused, did he angrily point out that that's technically ephebophilia, not pedophilia?

Don makes weird nasal sounds when he kisses.

I'm not into women, but even I would stare creepily into her office window with my face half obscured.

Actually, you may be right. Ann is kind of passive and would let Ron transform her into him like she did with Chris. Damn you for making me think about stuff!

I don't think Ron wants anything to do with Ann or her fluffiness.

Judging from his crippling awkwardness and fear of cops (along with some of his other qualities), Ben is a redditor.

That song brings back so many traumatic memories. LIKING THE BEACH DOES NOT MAKE YOU SPECIAL.

In high school I thought that he was singing about his own back, so that song has always conjured up a weird image of Justin Timberlake backing himself into the camera while eyeing me seductively.

…which reminds me, didn't Jerry Cantrell play with Nickelback? That seemed like a strange decision to me. He seems like a genuinely nice guy, so maybe that's why.

I don't think anyone is saying that Britney Spears is completely innocent. Usually in cases like these, it's a mix of the celebrity's own stupid decisions and the fact that she is being manipulated by others. The thing is, it's a lot easier to go after the person who seems shrewd/sober enough to take advantage,


They're high school senior girls. During "prep" they drive their jettas over there to get "coffee" with their "hobags".