Animal Cracker

He won me over with his little interjections while they were reading Schmidt's new years resolutions a while back. It felt like Jake Johnson was just being himself, which totally works for Nick. The cockfight stuff was a little too much.

I know. I mean, it's not like we're the most enlightened group ever, but that comment seemed unusually vulgar and stupid.

I like how we're treating blondes as this discrete category of feeble-minded people.

Oh, ok. Nevermind.

She can be both.

Well he's probably an alcoholic.

Unleash the army of lions!

An escaped convict from the asylum has escaped and he's mental and he's on the loose and stuff.

In 4th grade my (male) friend wanted to start a band and call it "The Women", because that's the kind of thing that sounds sexy to 4th graders.

I'd like to know where Clement Smiley stands on this.

When I did phonathon at my school they fed us candy and played songs like Roses Are Red by Aqua so that we'd be crazy enough to get through 4 hours of asking angry people for money.

She's famous because of…pee?

I don't disagree with you, but when was the dial at 8/10?


What "slut-shaming" are you talking about in particular?

They called him Beretta because he was Italian, and no one ever holds a gun like that!

I don't think those were ken dolls you were playing with…
An anatomically incorrect penis is still a penis, my friend.

My friend had a "beast" ken doll. Eventually his pants disappeared, so he was just this hairy guy with a long coat with shoulder pads walking around with his dick exposed.

Now I understand where Steinbeck was going with the ending.

Shutter Island