
Yes, exactly. Lose-lose is the right way to put it. Barring that I loved every aspect of the finale (as well as the season - both seasons, really!)

MadMeme - You are right on that note. I was aware of that while writing my post but still annoyed enough to publish it anyway! (JE McManus and ruraldogs are one and the same. For some reason I cannot log on through Discus on Mozilla so have to use an alternate ID when not posting on Chrome).

I agree.

Lindenof indicates he is not.

Well, if there is a season 3 it will be interesting to see how long Evie lasts without them.

Look at the source. Megalomaniac Meg and her clearly cult minded followers were the only ones putting the "change everything" / "amazing" spin on things.

just killed me when he ran out of town.

Just like that term wilding in reference to gangs (I think that's the term, although it may be dated).

The fact that Meg was still walking the streets after her inactive grenade stint on the school bus says volumes about The Leftovers version of the world vs. the one we live in. These people have cell phones with cameras and both valid and fringe organizations using high tech means to investigate departures but someone

I was a fan of TD2. It grew on me, warts and all. I'm willing to forgive its weaknesses and hope for a TD3.

Oh olle - Don't gather. Just watch! It takes a few episodes of the first season for the show to get its footing but it can hook you if you let it. And there really is some grand, crazy s**t that takes place toward the end of S1 that makes some of those characters intensely memorable. Season 2 was strong. It's

Late to the party but shared my thoughts (above) on the season finale in the wee hours of Tuesday morning. Nope. You're not alone. I love it like you do.

Ha! and Justin Thoreaux approved! Thanks for this share, Alaia.

I had that weeks ago. Still not off of it being a possibility.

I really favored the female cop in Season 1. I am enjoying Season 2 but picking up on a bit of Tarentinoesque "because it looks cool" approaches that haven't got much in the way of substance behind them. The two seasons are very different.

Black Sails is coming back on Starz in mid-January. It has its moments and is definitely watchable.

I really want to love it. At least like it. I guess we shall see.

When Michael told his mother "I won't" in response to her saying she told him not to go over there anymore it was bittersweet to me (considering the time line).

jinx! haha - forgot to do the sailgood_man check prior to posting.

I love that she did that as well as knocked one of Evie's friends the hell out of the way.