
I agree about the meaning behind his response, sailgood. The setting just wasn't there for him to admit the truth. That would be something that, if he ever shared, would take place with someone he truly trusted in a relaxed environment - or, in another extreme, with a perfect stranger that he knew he was going to die

PS - Previously I had a theory that perhaps Virgil fathered both Erika and John, unbeknownst to them, with different mothers (one via marriage and one via adultery). To me, this could also be something that would end up hurting John. Your theory, for me, hits close to accurate. The problem I have is that Virgil's

I think it's "maybe she doesn't love you." Not tit for tatting on it but the focus was Evie not loving them (all three - John, Erika and Michael).

someone already did, above.

you're right. The next episode features the 4th anniversary. Thanks for pointing that out.

She told Matt - "you were waiting for me" with regard to "getting in to the town" — recruit may not have been the appropriate word but there was no reason for her to allude to them "waiting for her." No, she wasn't there looking to recruit but after sitting down with Matt, she also didn't appear to be trying to just

He's not going to do that! LOL

except Meg asked "how many" and seemed satisfied with the answer. I'm guessing that referred to plastic explosives. The trio of girls are on lockdown. I can't see them out and about participating in the preparation. They're part of the arsenal.

The fact you did that to listen to cricket chirps earns you BIG SNAPS in the Leftovers snap cup!

I've been doing WD first just so I can end my night on a high note rather than come down from being blah.

Was it a huge shift? She couldn't WAIT for the action that tore the town apart at the end of E1, and seem smugly satisfied in her bloody casing with the violence that ensued.

1.5 days coverage in half of a season and way too much of that focused on the more than annoying turtle eater that would have been better off "departing."

how did Meg sabotage the spring?

Kevin took the formerly vicious dog in at the end of E1. I have no doubt he'll be there to reclaim him post quarantine (if something doesn't happen before he can get him out - hope John doesn't shoot the dog because it looks like his and Kevin's showdown takes place in the quarantine facility).

I think the purpose of the dog, more or less, in that scene was a metaphor for him feeling cast off by his mother. Clearly he can identify his own mother blowing off or manipulating her family but it seems he can't see that the apple hasn't fallen from from the tree.

The fact Tommy dropped the rock and didn't make himself useful may imply he's not (Meg's bitch). Tommy uncovered the BS that was Wayne in the first season. He's already been through his own stint of question free loyalty to the point of killing others. That's not what he's looking for anymore. I think Meg was spot on

I hope it's left open ended now and instead part of a 3rd season. :-)

That disquieting car scene has plagued my mind since the beginning of the season. It was unsettling enough to keep me thinking the girls disappeared but didn't depart. It also makes Erika's disclosure to Nora regarding no one knowing what it's like to pretend a much deeper meaning.

The fact she has all the other GR chapter leaders up in arms speaks volumes. Meg's not GR - she's ISIS.

I loved that episode. I loved all of them. For me, E2 was the weakest link in the season.