
or maybe she told John the knock knock joke after she had not just reconnected with Meg but was head on sold on the Guilty Remnants way of being. Even though it's a joke it could also be looked at as the ultimate jab at everything her Father believes he is doing to maintain the town.

Not nearly! I couldn't get the surprise twist on the Leftovers out of my head. It, and the whole episode, definitely dominated Sunday night!

red herring question, since Tommy doesn't know their significance yet.

so not ready. There is definitely room for the story to continue.

I will definitely go into withdrawal / lack of Leftover depression for at least a modicum of time after the last episode premieres.

Ha Sailgood. I need to read through to your responses before commenting. I'm always late to the party. I did not, however, know the box was with John. Never caught that.

except that the cricket was alive and chirping while Erika sat at the dining room table the night of Evie's disappearance. We aren't shown, to the best of my knowledge, where the box is located.

Three years. For Meg, two years passed and then she was with the guilty remnant for one year. Three years total.

Meg more than likely recruited Evie and the dominoes fell. If you think back to the first episode with the girls returning home from the lake - that odd silence in the car - somber faces. It was striking when gauged against their silly chatter at the lake. Right then we are told something is up — just not what. I

wonderful analogy, M! It fits!

not in one million years. as much as I go out on the limb of my armchair with theories - the GR / trio combo was not one of them.

Unless you saw something I didn't I was under the impression he was in quarantine for a few months.

I was thinking she probably relished this role. She has such a feminine, demure voice - almost typecast for roles of a loving, supportive girlfriend or wife. She comes across as a true sociopath in The Leftovers - perfectly played.

more likely Meg had a plan in mind and somehow located and recruited Evie and company. There was clearly a momentary but strong, passing connection between the two during the carrot intro.

I really don't know about them hanging themselves. You may be right in the sense that it surely would "change everything" about the mystique of Jarden but it seems like there would be other ways to achieve that. Why would Meg even attempt to recruit Matt or the camp outsiders into the situation if having the girls

Hands down I DID NOT guess where the trio of girls disappeared to. Well played!