
The incident with Arnold's death happened 35 years ago. MIB said he'd been coming to the park for 30 years.

Logan just doesn't seem to work for any sort of philanthropic entity. Plus, wouldn't it be sort of odd that "Dad" would go to Westworld completely independent of them when they were traveling there at the same time?

woodcutter goes berzerk. Immediately removed from behaviors' hands by Theresa. Yep!

Wow. I need to revisit with closed captioning turned on.

I think her visit to the mortician was impulsive as all get out.

so she's a cat and naz is her ball of yarn….

She was fired from the job because of the controversy her son caused.

Seriously? If I was alone with a twisted mortician in a room full of deceased people and no one else was in the building when he started that women vibrate / ball of yarn stuff I think I would consider myself lucky to get out of there, first, then be completely creeped out at what the guy was about and what could have

Don't feel bad. I thought it was the ex-boyfriend as well. It was such an odd moment!

My husband just told me about that documentary. Can't wait to see it! Sounds like an alternate version of the West Memphis case.

9th grade

how many kids at home think "grand theft auto" when taking the parents car on the sly to go to a party? It may very well be the technical term but it's a far cry from using professional tools to break into a stranger's vehicle for personal gain.

I had not read your comment, here, when I responded to your initial comment. I completely agree with you. You just worded it better!

I think the ongoing attempts to fix the eczema issue mirror Stone's (or any decent defense lawyer's) attempt to find a solution for a problem (the case). Is the eczema really gone? Is Andrea's stepfather really enough to cast reasonable doubt? Remains to be seen.

only $300 bucks and he throws in an aphrodisiac to boot!

It's a must watch in our household as well. It deserves a lot more than a reviewer's abandonment!

I couldn't agree more. It's an insanely smart, well paced comedy!

10 days was what Stone was told initially and by the sound of the capacity at that city shelter, a stray cat would rarely last any longer than the standard disposition date.

but the Crisco isn't doing its job!