
I'm convinced it helps if I shout a little.

And Child Protective Services investigates the parents and the boy is placed in foster care. The Dad turns to the bottle, and after he loses his job the Mom leaves. The tarantula escapes unharmed and lives a long happy life under the porch.

There may not have been any jokes but it was still the funniest one.

This will be the 8th Bat-Person movie released in my lifetime. If you count the upcoming "Bat-Person vs a Non-Bat-Person" movie, and the "Justice League: Featuring a Bat-Person" movie, it will be the 10th. If you count "Mask of the Phantasm," which was released theatrically in some places, it will be the 11th. If you

I read Spaihts draft, too. It's nothing mind-blowing, but it's much, much better than the final draft. I'd say about 80-90% of the stupid bullshit that wound up in Prometheus was not Spaihts's fault.

NBC isn't content to just cancel all the shows I like. They have to make shitty shows about the bands I like, too.

You think he would have been shoehorned in this week? Think about NEXT week. They have to cover SO much stuff and some of it is gonna overshadow Stannis even if he DOES get more than 30 seconds. Really weird choice.

Yes, the bylaws. Sometimes I think about the conversations I have about this show, and I can kinda sorta understand why some of my friends don't enjoy it.

"Marriage is a RACKET!"

I think people forget how close Don and Bert must have been, really. The show didn't show it often. But they knew each other for a decade. They worked together from the time Don started as a lowly copywriter that Roger found, all the way up to creative director, to partner, to being the guy who STARTED Cooper's new

I agree. The jock kid complained about how much the moon landing cost. When Sally said the same to Don, he was like, "Nah, fuck that." I think it's an indication that Sally values Don's opinion.

Well, I for one cannot just move on from "piss on his meow-meow."

Yeah it's exactly the kind of thing I can imagine Louie finding funny. Like they're shooting the scene and he thinks, "What if there's just like, a passed out drunk, in the back?"

I can forgive a lot of Pete's slimy-ness for the way he sticks up for Don. Not all, but a lot.

…so whose wedding is tonight? I watch this show pretty regularly and I feel like I might be stupid, because I really don't know.

You're dead weight, Marty.

Hey, he looks just like you, Poindexter!

Now see if they'd just called it "One Sick Weirdo" I might have tuned in.

Star Wars 7: So, Very, Tired…

I agree, absolutely no snap, crackle, or pop.