
Hey we still have dashboards even though there's no longer any dashing going on. Maybe the flaps serve some sort of space-purpose.

The reviewer barely mentioned Shoshana, which is deeply disturbing and, like, borderline criminal to me. If they retooled this show to be about: Shosh, Ray, and Adam, I honestly think it would be TV's best show. But instead what we get is like, "How can 30-year-old Hannah still pretend to be 12 this week?"

Yes that was the joke.

His older sister was secretly his mother. But he never told her. He took the secret to his grave.

You're still talking about it 45 years later. As a publicity stunt I'd say it worked pretty fucking well.

I thought they had given up on comedies?

Oh my God why am I getting this weird high school graduation vibe from this thread, like "Oh my God, you're here!" even though I found you off-putting at best all these years. Seriously though, you rule, don't ever change. Except for the bad things about you. Change those.

Are you just saying random words that pop into your head?

Unlike the Office, it's nice to see Parks & Recreation leaving NBC while it's still good.

I think Parks was that same weird mix of sweet and cynical that made the best years of the Simpsons so great. Quick, name two shows that do frequent hilarious town hall scenes.

I rewatched Forrest Gump today and it reminded me of how much I love Sinise. He's above this shit. Someone give him something good, please. Something where he's a space-man or something.

Mine is probably, "I have three kids and no money. Why can't I have no kids and three money?" The question really answers itself: he's dumb.

I honestly don't understand. This isn't me trying to be confrontational or something. If a man has to explain something to a woman, it must be because he thinks she's inherently stupid? Why doesn't it work both ways? I honestly don't understand the difference.

This is part of my problem. Is that a joke answer or a real answer? A man can't understand "mansplaining" unless a woman explains it to him?

I honestly don't understand this though and I'm not saying that as like, some kind of argument. I really want to know. I'M FULLY AWARE THAT I'M WRONG AND THAT THE AVERAGE PERSON DISAGREES WITH ME. She had nothing. No proof. She didn't even remember the event. She was drugged up. She has nothing. Why does she get to

I guess I just don't understand the term. When a man explains something to a woman, it's "mansplaining." But when a man explains something to another man, it's just normal "explaining?" Or a woman to another woman? Or a woman to a man? That's all just "explaining."

She wrote: "The burden of proof has shifted, and suddenly, the issue is not about if someone was raped, but rather about whether or not that person has any right to accuse someone of raping them. There are arbitrary limitations placed on such things. .. What were they saying?"

I just rewatched that episode earlier this week, and it reminded me of something I've been wondering about for years. After it comes back from a commercial break (I think the first one), there's a card up for a second that says something like, "'Frasier' is a hit show on the NBC television network." What is that

This happened to me. Loved Ocarina of Time, but when Majora's Mask was released I kind of felt all Zelda-ed out and never beat it. A couple years ago I finally played it, and now it's among my top two or three Zelda games. It's really great.

I'm not tired of LEGO. But fucking Batman… this is like the 11th Batman movie in my lifetime.