
I enjoy the cross-talk reviews, too. There are dozens of us. Dozens!

Except it's not obvious at all for the majority of Mad Men's audience who, like me, are under 45, and have therefore never heard of this "bases balls" game.

Grrr I so wanted this show to be better than it is.

And if anyone is wondering about the references to 2001, this is the first thing Don sees upon returning to the office: http://i.imgur.com/RxEJ4TW.png

I agree, and I think the in-depth segments will benefit from the fact that this show is 7 or so minutes longer than Stewart's or Colbert's.

Ben getting cocky during Cones of Dunshire reaffirmed him as my favorite comedic character on TV. "People are playing with my cones, babe!"

I'm pretty sure, "Ugh I don't wanna do that, make that guy do it," was like the first human thought.

I'd really like him to shit. The script is strong but could benefit from another draft or two. If he can stop whining for a second and just do it, it's gonna be good stuff.

Doubtful, since he flies back and forth between NY and LA "every couple weeks."

Yeah when he saw that cockroach he had a look on his face like, "Christ, Don, get it together."

That seems really unlikely. One season covering all of book 4, all of book 5, and part of the yet-to-be-published book 6?

Oh that's his solution to everything, to live under the sea. Well it's not gonna happen!

Seems like the label has at least one big ass.

No clue, my friend.

I think it's pointless to try and parody country music when there was actually a hit country song that included the line, "You don't look a day over fast cars and freedom." You're just never gonna top that.

Yes except April. Mark my words.

It's a check. They can just cancel it and write another one, it's not like the money just disappears. Then again I'm 30 and have never had a savings account so I don't really know how money works.

I think he just sprang to mind because I was imagining a youngish British dude going to a big school full of alchemists. And his name's Daniel. I really have no idea who would be a good fit for that role.

I've been (probably unreasonably) excited for Turn. But they're airing the premier at the same time as the GoT premier? AMC is fucking retarded.

When I read Cryptonomicon, I imagined Bob Shaftoe as Brad Pitt, basically Brad Pitt as Aldo Raine. So when I started the Baroque Cycle I just stuck Brad Pitt in there as Jack Shaftoe, but with long hair and beard: http://i.imgur.com/zGto9wU.jpg