
Weird, I'm reading the Baroque Cycle right now.

Can we just acknowledge how awesome it is that we're talking about whether this show's "Golden Age" is 6 years long or MORE than 6 years long? No matter how bad it sucks now, that is just incredible.

I got the original script for Resurrection before the movie came out, and it included a scene where a few aliens are stalking people through a wheat field (which they had on this space station for food). There was like an overhead shot of the field and you could only see their tails moving through it. I always assumed

When my parents were kids, pop acts put out about one a year. But looking back on it, it's insane. The Beatles released "Please Please Me" and "With the Beatles" BOTH in '63. Then "A Hard Day's Night" and "Beatles for Sale" BOTH in '64. Then "Help!" and "Rubber Soul" BOTH in '65. Then "Revolver" in '66, "Sgt. Pepper"

C. I love this show, but I did not like that. And I hate to say that. This is one I don't imagine myself rewatching a million times like I have with Seasons 1-3.

"Todd" weirds me out regardless of the number of Ds. 'Cause it seems like it should be short for something but it's not.

During the best seasons, Hartman, Jon Lovitz, and Albert Brooks would usually show up at least once each. Their voices were part of the feel of the show.

I was born, raised, and am still living in the Midwest, and I thought it was accurate as hell.

Yeah but this one has TWO tigers!

It's illegal to have a protagonist with a living father in action/sci-fi/fantasy movies now. Batman, Superman, Spider-Man, Iron Man, Harry Potter, Captain Kirk, Katniss Everdeen, James Bond, Wolverine, Bilbo Baggins, Frodo Baggins, the Green Hornet… and it goes on.

There's a few mentions of rape, cocksucking, whores, titties, a fat merchant shitting on someone's head, a fairly detailed description of a dwarf's fake cock, and a murder. I think it sucks but whatever.

AND WILL HAPPEN AGAIN. Because time is a flat pancake.

I need it.

…season sitcoms are rarely this good," is what I'm going to assume you were trying to say. Otherwise I'd say I hope you get sick. Not like cancer or AIDS or anything but maybe like a really shitty cold. And over the weekend!

I mean, we still don't really know the Space Jockey's backstory, do we? They're human, they were futzing around with some evil goo, they worked out a lot. That's about it, right? No details, no motivation, etc.

B+. Might be one of those episodes I like more after a re-watch, though. For me, Jim Rash stole the show.

Vee cut off your CHONSON! :::wiggles sausage suggestively:::

Did… Did I time-travel?
