
YES YES YES. This is possibly my favorite Simpsons episode ever. Please cover!

YES YES YES. This is possibly my favorite Simpsons episode ever. Please cover!

That speech is fine when Bartlet gives it to Ellie but with Casey and Charlie it's ridiculous. You know why Charlie's going to come home at the end of the day? Because his nanny is going to bring him home!

That speech is fine when Bartlet gives it to Ellie but with Casey and Charlie it's ridiculous. You know why Charlie's going to come home at the end of the day? Because his nanny is going to bring him home!

Definitely agreed.

Definitely agreed.

I've been a Sorkin defender for years, but the writing in this show really has crossed the line to plain sexist. If Nancy Fitzwallace is the second woman you go to when naming Sorkin's strong female characters, you've got a problem - how many episodes is she actually even in? (I would have said Dana or CJ or *maybe*

I've been a Sorkin defender for years, but the writing in this show really has crossed the line to plain sexist. If Nancy Fitzwallace is the second woman you go to when naming Sorkin's strong female characters, you've got a problem - how many episodes is she actually even in? (I would have said Dana or CJ or *maybe*

I graduated from yale a few years ago and while we often had pretty cool speakers, you know who the only two were to fill a dining hall while I was there? (e.g. attract ~400 attendees rather than the usual 40) Lois Lowry and R.L. Stine. Students would drop everything for their fave YA authors. I'm still sad I had to

I graduated from yale a few years ago and while we often had pretty cool speakers, you know who the only two were to fill a dining hall while I was there? (e.g. attract ~400 attendees rather than the usual 40) Lois Lowry and R.L. Stine. Students would drop everything for their fave YA authors. I'm still sad I had to

Do you want to tempt the wrath of the whatever from high atop the thing?!

Do you want to tempt the wrath of the whatever from high atop the thing?!

MTV sucked me in with one of its marathons a few months back. I started watching it at the gym and then binged on the whole season online over two days. Very excited for season two!

MTV sucked me in with one of its marathons a few months back. I started watching it at the gym and then binged on the whole season online over two days. Very excited for season two!

The recent round of celebrity jeopardy had a theme of something like "Washington Power Players"…so it's not just that it's randomly politics-heavy lately. I had no idea they even did weeks like that, but it was fun enough to watch.

The recent round of celebrity jeopardy had a theme of something like "Washington Power Players"…so it's not just that it's randomly politics-heavy lately. I had no idea they even did weeks like that, but it was fun enough to watch.

Thank you! I could not place that guy for the life of me.

Thank you! I could not place that guy for the life of me.

So excited TV club is covering Sports Night! I watched it during its original run (I was in middle school at the time so I had *zero* other friends who watched it) and again last spring. My law firm was working on a trial so I was getting home at midnight and rather than getting a full night's sleep I binged on Sports

So excited TV club is covering Sports Night! I watched it during its original run (I was in middle school at the time so I had *zero* other friends who watched it) and again last spring. My law firm was working on a trial so I was getting home at midnight and rather than getting a full night's sleep I binged on Sports