
I don't remember the Dan/Dana convo re Dana's dating plan well. Help a girl out if you know which episode it was in? Much obliged.

I don't remember the Dan/Dana convo re Dana's dating plan well. Help a girl out if you know which episode it was in? Much obliged.

I thought they were going there with my show too. But alas, without Troy, I cannot exist.

I thought they were going there with my show too. But alas, without Troy, I cannot exist.

Straight Girls Talkin 'Bout Community: Troy is looking good these days. Glover's a little too ripped for Troy (high school jock muscles atrophy after years of playing video games with Abed), but I'll allow it. Also, no problem with leaving Jeff shirtless.

Straight Girls Talkin 'Bout Community: Troy is looking good these days. Glover's a little too ripped for Troy (high school jock muscles atrophy after years of playing video games with Abed), but I'll allow it. Also, no problem with leaving Jeff shirtless.

But Andy's too sweet to abuse his authority in any real way. He may be incompetent at first, but if the past is an indicator, his incompetence will always be endearing.

I especially liked it because I thought for a second they would go the ultra-comic route and have her accidentally vote for brandi maxxx because she was so flustered by ben's news. But no, P&R stayed classy and just made it a touching moment.

Love how tempted Leslie was by Joe Biden's home phone number. Great touch.

Someone please give Amy Poehler an oscar now! Screw the rules, she's earned it.

Happens to the best of us.

Happens to the best of us.

Yeah, "St. Ray Ray’s Blatholic Church" is mentioned in the review.

I really care about sleeping too!

No television show has ever accurately portrayed the college admissions process. Very few, if any, colleges send paper letters anymore. I was notified online in 2004. Between tv shows insisting on paper letters and the trend of characters applying to only one or two colleges (and then being screwed when they don't get

The commercial bills the film as "Dear John" meets "The Vow." Gotta love that now they're BRAGGING that all Nicholas Sparks' stuff is the same crap recycled over and over. 

"Which is it? Does it suck or does it blow?" Waaay better Clueless shoutout than I thought we'd ever get.

Line I loved that I'm surprised no one else has mentioned: "Are you even against MS anymore??"

Jess was upset because Cece kept it a secret. She did seem unhappy that it was Schmidt in particular, but really it was the secret aspect. That's why she got over it as soon as she felt like Cece was still including her in a secret (that Cece likes Schmidt.) It's never fun to find out that your best friend is keeping

Lisa's "*I* can" line about keeping a secret killed. Then they sorta ran the 'Malik is a snitch' thing into the ground. But the thai food scene was great too. Pretty good episode overall!