
Exactly. I think that episode was indeed the worst offender in terms of repeats.

Yes, thank you! I can't believe they didn't mention its extensive life in reruns on Nickelodeon. As a kid I initially enjoyed the show, but soon become enraged at its rerun:episode ratio. Basically became my first hatewatching experience as a result. Clearly I watched too much Nick as a kid, but it was really weird

Most high school graduations, even private schools, happen in June. Chicago's weather changes a lot between late April/early May and June. Regardless, the significant point is that it took me out of the episode. Exactly what it shouldn't do.

Mostly enjoyed the episode - it's been a wonderful season of TGW - but I have to vent about one issue: Why is everyone wearing coats/hats/scarves outside when it's late enough in the year for Zach to graduate? I live in Chicago and while our weather sucks, you cannot see your breath in late May/June. It was over 80

I'm disappointed in humanity that this doesn't already exist.

Best line of the episode!

Best line of the episode!

"It's not a lie, it's a gift for fiction." The unexplained arsons. The pseudo Greek Chorus of those two old guys. Bazoomercom. This movie is pure gold.

Omg, please do a Random Roles with David Paymer.

Go you Huskies!

Where the hell is "Dave"? Kevin Kline! "I once caught a fish *this* big!" He was a badass if there ever was one.

Shirtless Creed. I think those are the two best words to sum up this episode.

I think I understand hunting now!

Agreed. His criticisms are valid, but the show is so enjoyable and funny that I just don't care. Six seasons and a movie.

Super late to the game but can't believe no one mentioned the best line of the episode! Ryan: "So, University of Oregon then? She's my only living family Tessa!" …took a minute, but it was great.

I like everything about this comment.

Look at earlier comments…several folks noticed and someone posted a screenshot where you can see the sign actually lists a bunch of doctors from Scrubs, in addition to the actual presence of Mickhead.

Bull Durham is my favorite, and a bunch of other great ones have been mentioned here (Major League, Bad News Bears, A League of Their Own, The Sandlot) but someone has to stand up for Little Big League! Ridiculous premise but just some really fun scenes. Second best announcer to Uecker. Bowers makes that movie for me.

Re Rory graduating in 3.5 years - I went to Yale and have several friends who managed that, for various reasons. You either have to take a couple summer courses or rely on AP credits to "accelerate" (it's a weird, complicated thing that few people try to do, but Rory could conceivably do easily.) So that part wasn't

I loved this. "Crumpled up tissues. So we know it's a Jewish person!" It's just fun to see how much they clearly love each other. Can't wait for more episodes!