
Late post but have to voice this complaint: driving down the road in New York state in February in short-sleeves and an open convertible? C'mon! I know all shows filmed in LA are horrible at portraying real winter weather, but this was a new low.

"The Reader, The Reader…I didn't see The Reader!" Brilliant.

I'm not married or a parent so I can't speak to my choice, but I knew several kids growing up who came from progressive families (made up of mom/dad/two kids) wherein each kid took a different parent's last name. It sounds weird in theory, like the family wouldn't feel unified, but in practice I think it worked out

Yes, my dad got one of these two years ago. I immediately said that I wanted him to include certain shows and he just said "Honey, I know, that's why I called. Just tell me everything I should write down." One of the best dad-daughter moments ever.

Just want to second the national treasure-ness of Mary Kay Place. Can't be said enough.

Pretty solid episode. Loved the empire state building stuff and Mindy/Danny in the doctors' lounge ("when the others say mean things about you I defend you most of the time"). The batting cage stuff was lame though - nobody as excited about batting cages as Morgan was would stand in the line of the pitch. C'mon.

This is me. I feel horrible about it because I hate it when people write off whole genres of popular culture (my friend who "can't sit through movies" bugs the bejeesus out of me with that) but I have no musical knowledge and the idea of diving in just seems exhausting.

Phenomenal ending but still sad the finale wasn't called "Shut it down."

Yeah, what was that? Some joke about him no longer being on NBC? It was so blatant it had to be part of it. Great episode(s) though!

"I think I understand hunting" is probably my favorite line from the entire series so far, and that's saying something.

The first episode I remember watching live was "Milf Island" and I fell in love with the show after Josh asks if Jack thinks he supplied to moron quote to the reporter and Liz replies "No, I think you're okay because I think he forgot you're a person." I've definitely found uses for that line since.

Exactly, ROBCO. I thought it was a really funny premise but then it was just so racist. Why ruin the sketch like that? Very disappointing.

I liked this episode, but it made me glad that Raising Hope doesn't usually do "misunderstanding" story lines among the core cast. It got tiresome by the end. But still sweet and funny as always.

Sorry Carrie! I read too many of these and mix you guys up…instead of, y'know, looking at a byline. My bad!

Todd, did spell check foil you on Max's line in stray observations? (pubic, not public) C'mon, gotta get that gem of a line right!

Yeah, that bald cap was horrible. I found it really distracting how fake her bald head looked. I get it that they can't do any better, but still took me out of it.

Yeah, how did he manage to fix that? And isn't it a weird thing to do after being super-famous as a bald guy?

Yeah, how did he manage to fix that? And isn't it a weird thing to do after being super-famous as a bald guy?

@J.P.- Do you mean zombie Gerhardt Hapsburg? Because that would be even awesomer.

@J.P.- Do you mean zombie Gerhardt Hapsburg? Because that would be even awesomer.