
Only place I can seem to reply. All I'm gonna say is, if you've missed the hard nipple epidemic on friends, I don't know what show you were watching. It's horribly distracting. In all the later seasons it's more unusual NOT to see Aniston's nipples.

I loved the show as always but I was uncomfortable by the money Brad and Jane were throwing around (yeah, pun, although the literal throwing wasn't the worst). Looking at their lifestyle, losing $2000 should not have been a dealbreaker for the trip (i.e. poor plotting). Brad and Jane are really funny, and I know I

Yeah, I thought from the beginning they weren't real. She has a boy and a girl the same ages as Ted's kids and this seems realistic? It was pretty obvious they were fake from the beginning. Annoying device? Maybe. Twist? No.


Also, more of Ron running! That man knows how to sprint.

Question: what percentage of the show's budget is reserved for fake paintings? (My answer: not enough.)

I just want to point out how fucking hilarious the psychological warfare line was w/r/t the polar bear.  "…and steal its baby" I did not see that coming and lost it.

This was an excellent parody of Pride of the Yankees, but my favorite Lou Gehrig joke ever is still from the Robin Williams/Billy Crystal movie Father's Day. BC: "How do you not know who Lou Gehrig is?! He died of Lou Gehrig's disease!!" RW: "Wow, what are the odds?"

Yeah, I was amazed by the fear on her face after she said "That's how I feel. How do you feel?" Kudos Amy Poehler. 

I thought the point of the best buy trip was to buy a new dryer since the turkey destroyed theirs. Obvious product placement, yes, but it was worked into the plot.

"Everyone is Philadelphia is waiting for someone to die." Amazing.

I'm a Kal Penn fan, but man was he unappealing in this episode.  He and Robin have absolutely no chemistry and that speech had no business winning her over.  I know that was all on purpose, and that it's supposed to say more about Robin than anything else, but still, jeez.  Couldn't they make his character a more

The series finale of FNL *did* mess me up pretty bad.  Love that shoutout in the Adele sketch!!

I agree, though I wonder if Nucky will completely freak out due to the trauma of losing his son, or be 100% supportive since he wasn't there for his wife.

My reading of the Emily situation was that she's coming down with polio.  Seems like she'll get worse based on next week's preview, it's summer, she's the right age, and I think there was an epidemic of it a little earlier (1919-ish). My dad thought the same, but he's predisposed since at age six he spent the summer

This post is just embarrassing for you.

I clicked on this article ready to be mad if no one listed Coach and Mrs. Coach.  Thank you for not disappointing! Double bonus points for also listing Mulder & Scully and Lorelai. 

Love the callback to the pilot about Chris being dead by the time Amy's in college.  Even though it shouldn't, totally cracks me up.  

Re How Do You Know: Pretty sure Witherspoon doesn't play a pitcher, just a team member of the US National Softball team.  As a softball fan and DC resident I enjoyed the movie (Owen Wilson plays a pitcher for the Nationals, also fun) but yeah, it's a rather forgettable rom-com.  You're not missing much.  Though at

He's not only ok with Finn being her first, Puck "hoped it would be him".  Best line of the night.