
C'mon people, his greatest role! The catcher in Major League II! He could only throw the ball back to the pitcher if he recited the articles about the playboy girls. 

Best line of the night: "It's like a harem…but with only one senior citizen."

A slut who lives for herself? Jeez, misogynistic much? Let's see, she had sex as a teenager and happened to get pregnant (shocker!) She got married in the US to a drunk (show makes a good case for why if you were a woman back then and didn't support prohibition you were naive or ignorant) and now lives with a man who

Only a so-so episode, but I liked the tag.  "You can't lie to it!" So far when Reagan and Chris are using the computer together, it's golden.

After April saying "There are no rules" I wish we would have seen her doing something more original than stealing Chris's car keys.  Especially something oriented toward Ben - I thought that's what they were setting up then it was all about Andy's headlocks.  Those were great, but April's psychological torture could

I actually like Ann, despite her being the odd man out on the cast, but I don't think she's strong enough for Ron.  Remember, he's all about WNBA-type ladies. 

I'm considering changing my username.  But knowing this crowd, it's probably already taken. 

I used to love Community more, and while I still respect it more for all the chances it takes, I consistently enjoy P&R more now.  Lately Community has had way too many episodes like this one that deal head-on with how the study group members see each other, rather than have them try to accomplish something and in so

In the immortal words of me, "Six seasons and a movie! Six seasons and a movie!" 

Honestly! I really thought we were going to see more of Owen in this ep but sadly no.  Though he can sport the chest hair.  Usually that much hair would be gross but he makes it work. 

I wish the article mentioned my favorite part of LBL - the crazy specific radio announcer.  I didn't get the joke when I was eight, but statistics like "He's batting .325 with runners in scoring position while facing a left-handed pitcher on a even-numbered day in a stadium north of the Mason-Dixon line" were

Anyone else think they'll revisit who sent in the tip that Leslie wasn't born in Pawnee? I doubt all that many people could have known, so my money's on her mom sabotaging her campaign.  Marlene Griggs-Knope is a ruthless woman…

The Eva Braun line killed.  I also loved "I'll Yahoo it and get back to you", mainly because my mom is the only person I know who uses Yahoo. 

That would be awesome. 

I definitely think they're going to sleep together, just a matter of time.  I think she sees through him, but she was still affected by his negs (lady of the house, daughters, correcting her translation) and seemed eager to hear what poem he told the maid.  I love Nucky, but he's no competition in the looks

Anyone else finding Will Arnett more attractive lately? I never much cared for GOB (couldn't resist) but he was looking pretty good in this ep - Reagan may not have noticed his biceps, but I sure did. 

This pilot was fine - lot of stuff that didn't work, some stuff that did.  I thought that only true problem was how the dad related to the daughter.  It's one thing to be concerned that she doesn't have a mother figure in her life, another to decide he needs to drown her in pink and flowery paraphernalia because she's

I didn't think that was weird at all.  AC may not be the south but it was 1921 - news of a black man shooting a white man was probably enough to rule out any further examination of the situation. Look at how many lynchings were committed as a result of completely falsified charges; here, Chalky actually did shoot

I like Happy Endings (it's okay now, has potential to get better) despite it being a blatant recreation of Friends.  It's fun to see a version set in 2011 rather than 1995.  But really, Max is Joey, not Chandler.  Brad is Chandler (married to Jane/Monica), Alex is Rachel, Dave is Ross and Penny is Phoebe. 

Perennial Cold Shower?
Seriously? That's the most offensive thing I've ever read in an AV Club article. Now, I love sexist or offensive humor, pr0vided it passes the test (a real tough one: is it funny?) This phrase doesn't. It's just a cheap shot.