A Lady

Well, only since "No Rape Mondays" were instituted.

I couldn't watch the Dungeons and Dragons cartoon because it was "satanic." But maybe I should thank my mom for saving me from that stepping stone to D&D playing and severe nerd-dom.

These are the same comment boards where people piss themselves over the awesomeness of Crank 2. The ridiculousness and silliness of this is about the same, so best not to be a jackass about it if it's not your kind of thing. Or, you know, you can make horse jokes about Sarah Jessica Parker because you don't find her

It seems that we need to add 3) guy in a movie with a title lifted from a crappy letter.

I think we can just take it as a given at this point that boys posting to the AV Club comment boards will be objectifying any females within view. Surely someone has something to say about Meg White's tits at this point?

He is the greatest Captain Wentworth ever. They've done some other adaptations since the one he was in, but apparently they all suck.

Poopy. Another poopy day. Thanks for asking, dummyhead.
I've had enough of your fudging bullpucky, you cock-eyed fellow. I took it from my screwy flick of a father, and I'm not gonna take it from a poop who's too wienerless to fight for his own stinky job.

Goddamnit, it's "hither and thither" or "hither and yon," not "hither and fro." It's like I'm talking to a bunch of fucking Australians or something.

Don't give away all of our secrets, Fritzy-poo!

1) Which one is "Har?"
2) How does Asia Carrera fit into this? (And please don't answer, "The question is: how do I fit into Asia Carrera?")

I would have believed that "he" was a typo if you hadn't also said "his"…

I would love to see a Mary Worth movie. She would spend two hours meddling a bland, poorly-dressed divorcee from her condo back into a relationship with her equally bland ex-husband, then congratulate herself on her good deeds for another half hour. Instant cinema classic!

No mention of Joan Didion, CAKE, Deftones, Tesla, Colin Hanks, Sam Elliott? Bad Sacramentan!

Seems better than C worthy to me
(Not meant as a pun, but now I keep thinking of Lucille Bluth, the "Seaward/C-word.")

Mormonism isn't any stupider than other religions, so don't be a poo. They are rather blond and prolific, though.

Poor CC!
He is clearly trying to flash the "westside" sign in that picture but is unable to properly cross his fingers. Maybe this is the source of his bitterness.

When I visited Paris, the people I was around kept giving me four kisses. Four! It was exhausting saying hello and goodbye, even if it was only to two people.

Intelligent women don't. We obsess over ending poverty, malnutrition and sex slavery (we also obsess over Jake Gyllenhaal). But you boys have fun with your dick wriggling.

Agreed, Jorge! I enjoy taking a little time every four years to get briefly impassioned about Nordic combined. And the biathlon! Skiing and shooting! It has no relation to any other -thlons whatsoever! And it is wonderful.

CR, I think they let women become doctors in Canada (that is, if my Fox Newsletter doesn't deceive me), so maybe Dr. R is Canadian? Or French? Anyway, one of those socialist countries in which such a thing would be allowed.