A Lady

Ooh, you should read "A Voyage Long and Strange" by the same author. Really good.

I don't think being amused is that much of a personal investment. It makes me happy too, Venkman.

Even after the list of all the different kinds of gussets, that "top coats and topcoats" thing made me laugh the most. This entire list seems like it should be read by someone who still refers to a lady's "bosom."

I agree that the whole Tebow/CBS situation (I'm sorry…SituationTM) is ridiculous, but I think focusing on the "she was in the Phillipines where abortion was illegal" angle is kind of missing the point. It's the "no advocacy ads, unless it's the kind we agree with" stance of CBS coupled with the stupidity of an ad

"I've already forgot you're name." Even though this is the internet, reading that sentence hurt my soul. I need to go lie on a divan.

Why is it that only foreign films get higher than a B here?
The last thing that got an A was The White Ribbon, and the only things well-rated this week are French and Russian. Why does the AV Club hate America?

Hm, I don't think I believe you, nilus. If you were really an old-timey vaudeville fan, you would say that it cost you a bee.

See, I thought that the Julie parts of the movie made the Julia parts more poignant and interesting. Julie is the reality, and Julia is the fantasy. She's what Julie is aspiring to, so naturally those parts show a more assured, confident person (it helps that Julia is older and knows herself a bit better). And Paris

True indeed, Claude. All the wedding planners/coordinators I've ever seen were straight women, but if everything else I've witnessed regarding weddings is correct, they must have a straight male partner who does fuck all but show up when he's told to.

I disagree, Mr. Beans. Rom-com trailers play up the movie's hook, too (as seen here where she can only propose to him on February 29, because a woman's exercise of free will is like a leprechaun — wily and elusive, with a narrow window for capture). The hooks are rarely very interesting or different, but they exist.

Yeah, Duck's just taking a break from his stand-up stint at the Copacabana. Next he'll talk about how much black folks like to sing and dance while cleaning his house, and how Asians talk all funny and can't drive very well.

EvelKareebel, that sounds awesome. I saw their Jeeves and Wooster stuff for the first time last year, and it was amazing.

Oh, you're just saying this because you're boys. Michael Bay is a pile of poo. That said, I hated Something's Gotta Give, but damn if I don't kind of want to see It's Complicated (even though the thought of saying the lame movie title at the ticket counter makes me feel queasy). Alec Baldwin is awesome, Meryl Streep

Yeah, isn't Amelie from New Orleans?

They don't usually build big budget movies around women. Although apparently Mamma Mia and Sex and the City did ridiculously well, I don't think the other movies the actresses were in would have been as big, so it would drive down their numbers.

Jews, am I right? They poison the wells! And who exactly started you on Sarah Jessica Parker?

Amelie didn't say this was racist. She said it was stupid. And it is.

Are you sure that's why they resented you, and not because you always said, "Those who can't do, teach?" Let's have some honesty here, Mr. Idiotking.

Impending Doom: Maybe you can't figure it out because YOU'RE STUPID AND EVERYONE HATES YOU. Or maybe it's just not to your taste. Either way.

No, no, no. You're all wrong. I believe the correct answer is "Blaine."