
I don't know if it's mentioned in the main film, but somewhere Keith makes the point that the Chess brothers sped up Berry's tracks to make his guitar seem more heroic; the result was that The Stones learned a version of "Carol" which was accurate to the record but too fast and high-pitched to the original.

Chuck basically makes Keith superfluous on "Carol" by taking parts away from him until all Keith is doing is the just the "wah-wah" part right before the verse. There's one exchange where Keith asks Chuck if he can play the lead and sing and Chuck replies "Well, I did it on the record." Or something similar.

There's a great sequence on the extras CD in the deluxe version where Hackford and the producer talk about working with Chuck. Given that Hackford wouldn't have had a film at all if Chuck stopped participating and this participation was contingent on paper bags of cash for Chuck (over and above his fees and which cut

You Zombie! Be born again my friend…

1. Kid Charlemagne
2. My Old School
3. Barrytown
4. The Caves of Altamira
5. Hey Nineteen
6. Sign In Stranger
7. The Fez

Dude, Black Grape's first album is the shit. Not that it needs an article on it, but still…

Carv, I started off liking TLB more due to radio indoctrination, but over many, many listens I agree. The Rooster kicks major ass.

My oldest was a huge fan of Live at Leeds in the car. That was doubleplus good. Also dancing to Ryan Adams's Gold.

The one book that I never want to be without is (believe it or not) Jacques Pepin's "Complete Techniques". If you only know JP as PBS's resident chef-Nazgul, check it out.

Not a big fan of Hackney's. I think their lunch is being literally eaten as they are situated between a Steak and Shake on one side and a Five Guys on the other. They are local, but I shudder to think what goes on in the kitchen there.

Big like to that one. It's the perfect blend of "here's how it's done in theory", "here's how we do it in a working restaurant", and "here's how to do it at home". I make his chicken stock from scratch all the time because of that very quality.

My people, they have no bungholes…

No mention of The Great Cornholio? Something is seriously wrong here, Beavis.

It is that bad. Root beer with a creamy foam topping.

All of the Shatner bits from the 1992 MTV Movie Awards
The non-DVD music spots from Chapelle's Show.

"She's Crafty" & 'Hey Ladies" - Beastie Boys

The thought of Johnny Marr doing Viv Savage is genius! It has to be Viv's part since, as we know, there is zero guitar on that track.

@bfred, correction, "…sink her with my PINK torpoedo". Just in case you weren't following along with the metaphors, ya know.

You're hot to take all we've got
Not a dry seat in the house
Next day we'll be on our way
But tonight I'm gonna rock ya (etc.)

Correction: "You're TOO young…"