
I never heard that but (obviously) it seems spot on now that you mention it. His accent isn't true Salford though.

Entwistle too. On the super version of TKAA, there are some selections of the concert done for the film (where Pete's in the brown corduroy jacket) that mute out everything but his bass. Amazing stuff compared to the studio versions, where many times he plays it pretty straight.

I would have to add "The Seeker", but otherwise a pretty strong list.

Having thought it over, I vote for "The Thing on the Doorstep". That sense of trying to escape inexorable doom was a strong suit in this story and I never guessed the ending the first time I read it. It's usually not too difficult to figure out where things are going after reading a few HPL stories.

"Pickman's Model"

Sing for Joy - nice call.

100% agree with everything here except the downgrading of the Nashville albums. FMRM is too long and has some lesser material, but that's only compared to the rest of Frank's output. Compared to what's being produced in music in general, it stands up pretty well.

I try to work in "It happens to the best, it happens to the rest." into conversations as often as possible.

My prof in grad school called his method "anecdata".

Ian Faith: 'You know what, fuck it I quit."

They said Star Wars origin story, not Neutral Milk Hotel origin story.

Still not making it; you are correct that you are failing at trolling but not for the reason you think you are.

If you want to troll, you'll need to do better than that. Pshaw.

I think it's in the Star Time booklet; the song where James says "I gotta go!" to the band at the end was because he really did have to go and after the shouted that he put down the mike and walked out of the studio into a limo.

How did I miss this? Hell! Free James Brown!

It's A Wonderful Lie for me. I agree that All Shook Down gets slagged off the most. Many were angry when it came out because it's really a Paul solo album but it's credited to The Replacements. Some never got over it. It's still not a bad record.

@avclub-ff3cfb23c2c51860914b8b849da52195:disqus , doesn't something similar happen to Dinosaur Jr. too?

Nice. I am sure there are some CD boots out there of Shit too. See if you can get a test listen before buying though.

Uh oh. I haven't seen it and these threads are making me nervous. I guess I'll find out for myself over the weekend. I did like "All Over But The Shouting", so how does that compare to CMO?

Well, I'm glad I'm not alone! Paul has a few clunking lines on every album; it's part of his charm.