
I know people want to branch out and try new things, but I hope he realizes there's nothing wrong with the Reginald VelJohnson approach to acting. Reginald VelJohnson is always a cop, and it just…makes sense. Topher Grace should just always be Eric Foreman. Did you see that Predators movie where he was the bad guy?

Ugh, please don't say "tableau"

"Reynolds' Rap"

It doesn't matter who this guy is or why he isn't funny. All that matters is the Black Eyed Peas write terrible songs and this is one of them.

Shouldn't it be called "Reynold's Rap?"

That voice really tied the movie together.

Ok, then Cosby brought Steve McRib's mom onstage and she sucked off everyone in the audience. And when there wasn't a dick in her mouth, she kept talking about how much of a disappointment her son was. Then the guy that played Elvin came up and said "I've got to drop the Cosby kids off" and shit all over her chest,

Ah, so digoth is George Zimmerman's screenname.

Cosby was barefoot. Does that help?

If a Sound Editing Emmy is going to a comedy, it should be one of those CBS comedies where they make it sound like people are laughing.

I saw Bill Cosby at the Cape Cod Melody Tent in '99 or 2000. It's this little outdoor stage that rotates. Anyway, I'm watching the show and Cosby brought a random audience member up on the stage, and it was my 6th grade teacher. And I wanted to shout out "Hey, that's my teacher!" but I was there with 2 of my friends

The question no one is asking: Why is he on the set of the Smells Like Teen Spirit video in that picture?

I wonder if he's ever heard the Weird Al song "I Remember Larry"

Just most of them? Still have a soft spot for Disco Duck, eh?

Interviewee (let's say C. Thomas Howell): "You know what song I hate? 'Locamotive Breath'"
Interviewer: "That's a classic, you ignorant piece of dog shit!" *breaks chair over C. Thomas Howell's head

West Side Story 2. Because the sharks are in the sky, see, so jets fight them.

Oh definitely. I didn't mean to imply you hate a song because you hear it everywhere, because as you said, that's not the song's fault. I'm talking about a song you already hate, and because you hate it, you don't own it, or ever listen to it on purpose. But then say you're at the mall and it comes on over the sound

Yeah, but when the Pirates of the Caribbean breaks down, the pirates don't eat the tourists.

Not that there's any sort of rules for this feature, but I would think the song you hate should be unavoidable, and part of the hate is that you have to listen to it against your will (like at the grocery store or in a movie theater). "It's A Small World" is really only played in one specific place, so you'd have to

I just watched the clip from Fletch Lives and the biker bar Fletch goes to is the same one that was in Pee Wee's Big Adventure.  And now I'm passing this information on to you, The Internet, where I found it in the first place. Like a snake eating it's own tail.