
… apologies for the multiple posts, there. If some of those could be deleted…?

… apologies for the multiple posts, there. If some of those could be deleted…?

… apologies for the multiple posts, there. If some of those could be deleted…?

… apologies for the multiple posts, there. If some of those could be deleted…?

While this is NOT at all a hard rule of the two universes, I've found it in general to be fairly accurate…

While this is NOT at all a hard rule of the two universes, I've found it in general to be fairly accurate…

While this is NOT at all a hard rule of the two universes, I've found it in general to be fairly accurate…

While this is NOT at all a hard rule of the two universes, I've found it in general to be fairly accurate…

James Robinson's STARMAN cannot be recommended enough.

I tend to think that Bendis is at his best in crime or drama comics (Daredevil, Alias, Powers) and at his worst with event and ensemble comics (House of M, Secret Invasion, Avengers). The man can do great stuff on a personal level, but I've never seen him successfully write something really epic, and his attempts to

There are times when that's true. I just can't get into Spider-Man. I don't get the appeal. At all. He isn't an everyman, or a relatable character - he's a supergenius bad-ass who squanders his potential and refuses to exercise his mind to the point where he can achieve balance in his life. It seems that when

A friend of mine pulled 'The Filth' off my shelves and started to read it. Not only do I suspect that he will never read another comic ever again, I think he's also gone insane.

S_D is actually gone to by more than one writer (Gail Simone, for instance, can almost always be counted on to comment on her own books when people have questions, criticisms and congratulations), and they have a number of rules in place to entice people to buy. They rarely post the last page or two of an issue, for

Oh - and of course, if you ever want to check out a series, google scans_daily and look through their archives. They've turned me on to so many great comics over there that I can't believe I forgot to mention them.

A little more on the iffy side for you, but still probably good…

I was going to say CRIMINAL and INCOGNITO and SLEEPER and GOTHAM CENTRAL and IMMORTAL IRON FIST until I noticed that you actually had 'all of Brubaker's stuff on there'. Good call.

… I'd forgotten Astro City. THE NEARNESS OF YOU is still one of the best single issues of comics I've ever read. Works even better if you're familiar with Crisis/OMD-style storytelling, with continuity wipes and reboots, but it's always beautiful.

Fell is a great place to start for people who are dismissive of superheroes and love darker stories. Templesmith's art is brilliant and the standalone nature of each issue makes it ideal for just jumping in wherever.

See, that depends. If you tried to jump into the middle of Morrison's recent run on Batman, you'd want to blow your brains out. It was a brilliant story overall, but you really had to start at the beginning of Morrison's run to understand why everything was happening.

Oh, yeah - absolutely. Morrison is huge on animal rights, so it was supposed to be pretty hard on people. I actually lent it to my best friend in college and she left the room because she started crying. We3 is one of the few comics that really inspire that reaction, at least that I've read… and the cover art is a