
That's just fucking mean.

Did… did that seriously fucking happen? Who did that?

Sadly, my comic shop didn't even get this one. I'm lucky they got The Death-Defying Doctor Mirage, apparently - now they've completely written-off getting Valiant books, even #1s, without a pull. Which is a shame - Mirage was the first book the company did that I thought was really great, and paired with a really

Crap, that isn't all.

Redbelt is fucking awesome.

Only two of the four harpies wrote Epic Movie.

From The Wire to The Office to Obsessed… that seems like something of a downward trend. Now we just have to wait for the announcement that he's in Movie Movie, the movie that satirizes movies, by those two little harpies of the apocalypse.

If someone acts like you, talks like you, thinks like you, has all the same memories and experiences of you… who's to say it isn't you? You'd certainly think it was you. The show plays a lot with identity, and this is just the next step in that.

And how could I forget…

Definitely Not Great
Agreed completely - the murder mystery stuff was just so dull. I think it would've been awesomer if the woman was absolutely convinced she was murdered, and it just. didn't. happen. Leave us with that note of uncertainty as Adelle is forced to put her friend down…


Why are you blaming Netflix for allowing you to rent shitty movies?

Damn. Things ought to be. Things.


Bendis seems to have a problem with action, yes, but his bigger problem involves his endings. Okay…


Sleeper/Criminal/Incognito - all by Ed Brubaker

Final Crisis was… interesting. I enjoyed it, but one of the strangest things that it did was cut out all the middle bits. He showed an awesome point A, and an awesome point B, but never really said how he got there. It was like there were entire tie-in minis that were left out, like Talky Tawny leaving in a jetpack

I'm disappointed that Barry is back, but I think there's a lot to be said about bringing him back.

That was the one where I finally 'got' the game and the mechanics, so it was the first of the tricky ones that I completed pretty quickly.