Lloyd Musey

I'll upvote almost any Paul Williams reference.

Out of respect, I have removed myself from your lawn. Enjoy your ginger ale and maple walnut ice cream.

Mario Lemieux.

The first reply to a single comment is not speaking generally, it is speaking specifically. And there is no general consensus on this site, yet exchanges like this are rare, thus this site's rarity and beauty and delight. It's why I've been coming here for as long as I can remember. It's why I'm excusing myself

So hold the phone here, she's upset that I advocated Cage because she thinks Amber Heard is making it up? Well kids, looks like Old Lloyd got duped on the internet again. Thank you, Shulkie.

That was Depp. I didn't know about Cage. Enjoy your completely innocent DVD shelf and Spotify playlist.

I feel uncomfortable now. Legitimately sorry, Jana. See everyone later.

I wouldn't jump from "Lloyd Musey didn't know about that and/or forgot if he did before he made an attempted pithy comment" to "no one cares that". I'm not here to ruin peoples' days. I like it here.

I think they call that a compound.

I'm willing to let Johnny Depp go up on the silly shelf, if we can bring Nicolas Cage down from it. If Depp wants the new position of formerly-entertaining-and-skilled-money-wasting-weirdo-in-chief, he can have it. I open my arms to the legitimate return of Cage.

We are, truly, living in the future.

"I've got a full-on robot chubby."

Dentists hate her!

They'd be eating corn on the cob with no [I'm at work] teeth, as per Charles Napier, lead singer.

This better feature cameos by Megan Follows, Sarah Polley, and the ghosts of Richard Farnsworth and Colleen Dewhurst, both surrounded by a blue glow like on Return of the Jedi.

edit: …'those' Body Snatchers…

Show some respect. That hat was nominated for Best Band.

I saw it. It's box office numbers are the least of its disappointments. Not nearly enough Tarzanning, overall.

I agree wholeheartedly. I only watched Batman V Superman a couple of weeks ago, and I was halfway through the titular fight, saying to myself, "This is Batman and Superman duking it out in a big budget movie. This should be the single most entertaining thing I've seen in my whole weird four decades of life, and it is

Pretty sure you're thinking of Jaws.