Tell 'em Large Marge sent ya!
Tell 'em Large Marge sent ya!
Indeed. Thanks for having a brief, positive interaction on the Internet with me. (This whole board is pretty rank, otherwise.) Have a genuinely good evening. Everyone.
It's teat. Tit.
Carl Perkins?
Quebec City, otherwise yes.
It's definitely pro-your gun and badge on my desk, Constable Questionmark.
Does cautious optimism exist around here anymore? The ethical ambiguity of Bone Tomahawk gives me cautious optimism about the potential ambiguity of this. The casting gives me pause, though.
You know I canna read a word.
Right you are. Stow your checkmark, Brian.
If the man who wrote Dune can't get a blue checkmark confirmation on Twitter, times are truly difficult.
The people will live on.
The learning and blundering people will live on.
They will be tricked and sold and again sold
And go back to the nourishing earth for rootholds,
The people so peculiar in renewal and comeback,
You can't laugh off their capacity to take it.
The mammoth rests between his cyclonic dramas.
What's that? Can't hear you! Got these AirPods in my ears!
Time for a Lightswitch Rave.
In Grade 7 my friend and I stayed up all night finishing Rampage on the NES. Just punching buildings over and over and over and over again. The reward: the word 'CONGRATULATIONS', then a hard return to title screen.
Joel Plaskett - Three
I won't go so far as clamouring, but I love Unbreakable. So much slow awe, such sumptuous camerawork, so much superheroics without being labeled as such. Plus, Bruce Willis trying.
President Half Onion has way better material than this Conway character.
Best bits:
1. Compares Fox News personalities to their respective vegetable counterparts, complete with voices, as though they are all in the same salad. (Punchline: It's a chef's salad and O'Reilly's a hard-boiled egg.)
2. Catchphrase, "But don't…
It'll be half straight stalk and half bulbshit.
Half Onion is beholden to nobody. But let's not forget about Other Half Onion. We'd be foolish to think she's just hanging around in an omelette somewhere.
It was dark because the theatre you were in turned it off out of courtesy to you, the audience.