Lloyd Musey

Error go bragh!

Great stuff. Man, for a while, James Taylor was all over the place, background and foreground.

How have I lived this long without knowing Randy Newman made reference to Saskatchewan? Roc Kit, I owe you one.

Warmed the hearts of millions with natural and genuine performances?

Mine as well. You can only make so many swear words flash around the screen before you go back to Choplifter, Gorf, and Cosmic Cruncher.

There aren't enough capital letters on this planet.

We're all living in the tape deck attached to a VIC20.

Judging by the metric assessment, I'd say it's growing somewhere here in Canada. Probably Alberta or Ontario, considering the crop. Maybe Vancouver.

No you can't. Don't be ridiculous.

The wingsuit looks delightful. Honestly, the coasting and floating and chuting and robo-grappling had a nice rhythm for me without it.

He's playing Blair Underwood.

Also, many things need to be blown up if you have time to get around to it. Playing Just Cause 2 was one of the most enjoyable and satisfying video game experiences I've ever had. So much ripping around a tropical paradise and blowing up of things.

It's kinda like Bionic Commando.

Add my sadness to the pile. Fade to black.

Three of you, please.

Necessarily rough, 'cause I'm Bakula,
Debonaire as Mr. Marshall in Blacula,
Trapped immortal like dusty-ass Dracula,
Flip your troubles with my wormhole spatula.

Nobody said you couldn't formulate your own rap rhymes, player.

My name is Ziggy and I'm here to say
Between dimensions is where you'll stay!

Bada ba ba ba,
I'm schleppin' it.

Ok. Now I watched this. Is it a gag of some sort? Good Job of Confusing Me Again, Internet.