Lloyd Musey

I agree, he does seem to need a Shar-pei attack.

James Franco would at least be interesting enough, maybe even fun enough, to enjoy a nice meal with in a group.
Jaden Smith would have too many theories about the metaphysical tyranny of soup spoons, and would refuse the appetizers to preserve his appetite for knowledge. He would explain these things in wandering


It's like Random Roles without the need to speak to the smelly, unkempt artists.

What time is it?
It's time for lunch!
What time is it?
It's time for lunch!
What time is it?
It's time for lunch!
It's lunchtime!
Hey, what's for lunch?

Hop in my Chrysler, it's as big as a whale. And it's about to set sail.

Any way you want it, that's the way you need it, any way you want it!

Canadian Bacon had some moments (John Candy helps), but by and large, I agree. In the early '80s, high school boys regularly called each other hoser and told each other to take off. Since then, this hasn't happened.

Goodness sakes.

No, not the Turtle Club. I was won over by Pistachio Disguisey's "Become another person" transition into Mayor Maynot.

Easy on Master of Disguise. I am able to find humour and enjoyment in that film; I cannot say the same for any of the Shreks.

I saw enough of Fatal Attraction the other day on the television to refute that statement in regards to Glenn Close. Frantic bug-eyedness does not an Oscar make.

Edward Packard and R.A. Montgomery are rolling over in their graves.

Encyclopedia Brown was a smug prick, but he was affordable and his promised time frame was second to none. And he was right every time.
In related news, Mystery Team is back on Netflix up here in Canada. Watch it.

A friend of mine had a similar drop with a carboy of homemade red wine. He said it was like watching the elevator doors open in The Shining.

My wi-ife: "Whatcha up to on the internet, there?"
Me: "Just reading an exchange between Mr. Poopy Butthole and squirtloaf."
My wy-ife: "Didn't you just turn forty?"
Me: shrug

Eazy-E wasn't even this angry when he was in his corporeal form. And he could get pretty fired up.

Watching this friendship blossom has been the high point of my day. You two crazy kids enjoy yourselves.

Cheap Thrills is a nasty delight.

I'm pleased by this news.