
Alrighty. I was hoping that was what it was.

I'm kind of confused. Did Duncan *not* try to sleep with Britta as a favour to Jeff, or because he could see how much of a hard time she was having?

Joseph Gordon Levitt vs. Paul Rudd. I demand it.

Computer, load up Celery Man, please.

Yeah, I'm not a fan of the Leonard/Penny relationship, but they are not breaking up and Raj/Penny is neeeeever going to happen.

Ah, the Big Bang Theory is on a roll. I really love how the writers have cooled it with making Sheldon an insufferable asshole. The show is much better for it. However - and I know I sound like a broken record - I wish they'd leave the 'har-har Amy's still not getting any!' jokes alone. It's just my opinion, but I

Easy solution: get AdBlock.

Newhart elevated this episode to whole other level for me. His aggressive dislike for Bill Nye actually had me laughing out loud. All of his scenes were gold.

Actually I know lots of young women (in their 20s) who look upon masturbation with distaste/disgust/fear. Granted, I live in a fairly conservative area.

I used to be down with the Shamy, but for the love of all that's decent, break them up already. I hate seeing my favourite character so down in the dumps all the time.

I appreciate your analysis of the episode and of the show in general. It seems you put a bit more effort into this comment than the review did in his review. Huh.

"Sheldon doesn’t love Amy nearly as much as he loves his movies and comics and video games, so it’s reasonable that she would try to divert attention away from those things and on to her. Unfortunately, in this situation the attention is negative, so she has to recalibrate her strategy if she’s going to hold on to any

Please don't let Showtime ruin this show, please don't let Showtime ruin this show, please, please, please.

I don't think this episode was particularly funny, and at its very best it was only fairly amusing. But man, kudos for pairing up Amy and Howard, the two most interesting characters on the show. The enthusiastic Neil Diamond sing along in the car was the best part of the episode for me.

I am in tears. Thank you.

Both of the rape scenes were just awful. The school shooting really pushed me over the edge.

By the end, wasn't he chasing down a screaming woman in an abandoned warehouse, at night, while wearing a long black jacket/black eye-patch combo?

Does Dexter even *need* to kill any more? Or did he work that out last season with the whole "killing=an addiction" arc?

Response to your last two paragraphs:

When was she "far too quick to bail on Walt"?