
It was a thing of beauty. I just wish the reunion was a little longer. I was sitting there ready to hear the hits, but then they disappeared back to wherever all the non-Justin members spend their days.

Well this was great.

Tucker had to be my favourite dancer in the competition, and Jenna absolutely killed in her routine with Mark. It's so sad, but they were goners from the moment it was announced they were in the bottom four.

Am I the only one who was totally grossed out by Donna and Harvey's flirting?

Is the gimmick "painful sarcasm"?

I had the same reaction. Perhaps if he had found Abbey a bit earlier and we got to spend a few more episodes with Angelo struggling and reflecting on the family he took her from, it would have been less jarring. Seemed to me, the moment she became an inconvenience, he gave her up.

So after eight seasons, Dexter will finally end on some insincere bullshit romantic note.

I've been defending and sympathising with Skyler for several seasons now, but after what she said to Walt in the bathroom I can now happily say: Fuck you, Skyler White! I hope you both burn!

Mike and Rachel are killing me and I find myself fast-forwarding through most of their interactions.

Team Litt all the way. I found myself rooting for Louis for the whole episode. This whole situation with Jessica, and Harvey's rigid moral code has me liking Harvey less and less.