
Should have taken Australia. You take Australia, you can take over the world.

Athelstan: From thrall to karl, parts with his jarl.

I signed up thinking the AV stood for something else!

Oh god, yes. I wasn't even thinking about Burn Notice when I wrote this, but for a cold killer, Michael always took the hardest way out of his problems.

Former member. Its pretty bad.

This one needs to go pronto. Usually I scoff at TV affecting young minds, but this one has warped the expectations of way too many people. The sad thing is there are plenty of good stories and conflicts that can organically rise out of working a shitty job.

In addition to the hooker, can we throw in all other "scuzzy character with a heart of gold?"

Yeah, and maybe you had something to eat while you were there?

One trope that always annoys me is "extortion plots" where some bad guy is telling the hero/anti-hero to do something (steal something, complete a job, kill someone else). Usually in movies there will be a hostage, but on TV is usually some bad guy threatening their job, life, or family. I always think, as long as the


Borg? Sounds Swedish.

Funk Blast with Harry Lennix!

You just blew my mind. It never occurred to me that Rufio is Zuko's voice.

He's going to have a ruff time in prison.

Yeah, this is one of those movies where the basic character descriptions don't make any sense. Why isn't this horrible money-grubbing mom going after dad and his deep pockets for child support? How are we supposed to believe the parents even hooked up in the first place? Nice dad and caricature mom? I'll pass.

God's wounds! That much money is more than the yearly budget of all 13 colonies in 1776!

I still listen, but I swear I've deleted several recent episodes not even halfway through because the sound is all over the place. Its this attention to detail that makes me understand why the Goods sucked.

You're not alone. The internet is just really good at hiding things like race.

That is, just, I don't know. Guess someone out there likes Jar-Jar.

Maybe, but it seems like whenever there is some Star Wars side project in the prequel era (like Clone Wars) , they tend to just make up new characters rather than use any of the existing ones. I don't think there's any books or comics about Gungans or Naboo's fighter pilots, or even Jedi we saw in the movies. There